Anti-Ageing Gin Exists And We’ll Take A Lifetime Supply, Thanks

We were fairly disappointed when gin was found to be favoured by psychopaths, but our tipple of choice is back in the good books with this new product.

CollaGin is the world’s first gin distilled with pure collagen, a substance hailed for its anti-ageing properties. The fibrous protein is naturally found in our bodies giving our skin strength and elasticity, but its production dwindles with age (hence, you know, ageing) and supplementing our stores has become en vogue, of late.

UK company Young In Spirit, are the first to develop the drinkable supplement in booze form. It’s said to have “an elegant and refined taste” and has “stayed true to the principles of a classic gin” with “11 botanicals including star anise, pink grapefruit and orris but with innovative addition of pure collagen”.

Experts are still divided about whether drinkable collagen supplements provide tangible benefits but hey, if we’re having a G&T anyway…

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