Jennifer Lawrence Had A Meltdown Over Her ‘Red Sparrow’ Diet

Jennifer Lawrence has always taken a strong stand against dieting – she loves her food and her body and isn’t afraid to let all of Hollywood know it.

But when it came to prepping for the role of an ex-ballerina in her upcoming spy-flick Red Sparrow, she knew she needed to be disciplined.  

“I’ve always wondered what it would take to get me to really diet, to be really hungry, because I’ve never done it for a movie,” she told Vanity Fair. “For Hunger Games, they told me to lose weight, and then I discovered Jack in the Box.”

Red Sparrow was the first time that I was really hungry. I can’t be in character as an ex-ballerina and not feel like an ex-ballerina.”

With her wellbeing (and appetite) in mind, J-Law’s director Francis Lawrence arranged the shoot schedule so that her dancing scenes were filmed first. That way, she could get back to her regular eating habits ASAP. 

“I can’t work on a diet,” she explained. “I’m hungry. I’m standing on my feet. I need more energy.”

“I remember having a meltdown, freaking out that I had eaten five banana chips.”

Along with restricting her calorie intake, she also spent a ton of time working with a dance instructor to ensure she had the movements – and the body – down pat. 

“She really trained a tremendous amount,” Lawrence added. “She worked with a ballet coach for three months and did a lot of exercise.”

But as soon as this part of the movie wrapped up, it was back to her number one vice: fast food.

“I discovered this Viennese kielbasa sausage in an uncircumcised French-bread roll, with pickle relish. I had that almost every day in Budapest – which you can see, because I continue to grow in the movie,” she said. “Dieting is just not in the cards for me.”

Girl, we totally relate.

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