Health NewsComments Off on Your brain is multitasking, using a hunger peptide that tells you when to eat: It’s one of several jobs of the cerebral plumbing system, which uses its fluid in some surprising ways
Health NewsComments Off on Self-tuning brain implant could help treat patients with Parkinson’s disease: Key first step to improving deep brain stimulation
Health NewsComments Off on In a break with dogma, myelin boosts neuron growth in spinal cord injuries: The molecule inhibits adult axon regeneration, but appears to stimulate young neurons
Health NewsComments Off on Deep space radiation treatment reboots brain’s immune system: Novel drug protects memory function in mice exposed to simulated cosmic radiation
Health NewsComments Off on Neurons use a single switch to decide whether to make or break new connections: Visualizing the signals that make brain cells connect reveals new insights into the developing brain
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