Bath Time Heaven: Barry the Pug in the tub. – Fetch! Pet Care

My dogs know when it is bath time way before I even setup the bath. They scatter and hide. A task that usually takes a few minutes becomes an ordeal that takes at least an hour and involves wrestling.
Then there is Barry the Pug. This little guy practically begs for a bath, luxuriating in the warm water, the attention, and all the rubs. His owner has a little bath set up for him. I can totally relate to the bliss this little guy feels. I also think there is nothing better than a warm bath.
The Pug in bath is video #23 of the series of videos made by Barry’s owner, David Stanton. Most of the videos are about David’s carpentry skills, however, Barry is an unusual dog and the video of him taking a bath has become so popular that David did another video of him. In this video, Barry is eating fruit. David says that Barry isn’t very fond of dog food and prefers fruit. His sister, obviously, prefers dog food.

Now Barry is a bit of a social media star, maybe we’ll get to see more of him and all his quirky ways.

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