Yoga Tutorial: The ‘Cobra’ step-by-step guide

Targeted stress reduction, relaxation, the body is strengthened in a gentle way and required. Who does Yoga regularly, supports the body and the mind in different ways.

So it’s no wonder that more and more people are discovering the health benefits of Yoga-doctrine and use.

Regardless of whether alone at home or under instruction in a course: Within the Yoga Flow, some of the Yoga poses, the Asanas, is always used.

The sun salutation, the Cobra are the downward dog, but Asanas should not be missing in the Repertoire of a yogi.

The body with Yoga, strengthen

All these Asanas help the body and its functions on your own style and can convince with various positive effects.

The Cobra (Bhujangasana) benefits, especially the back, strengthens and relaxes him – provided it is properly executed.

So you perform as a Yoga Newbie off to a Yoga course, the Pose correctly right from the start, here comes the step exact instructions.

Yoga teacher Anna heart will show you in our Tutorial Step for Step, what you need to note in the execution of Cobra.

So, it’s certainly easy to clarify the sequence of Movement of the Asanas from the beginning.

The Cobra run properly

Position yourself for the Cobra first, in the prone position on your Yoga Mat. The wrists should be approximately below your shoulders.

  • Press your foot instep into the Mat so that your knees lift slightly, and from the Mat.
  • Tilt your pelvis backwards, withdraw your tailbone and press your pubic bone into the Mat.
  • Role you now from this Position up to in the Cobra.
  • Make sure that the elbows are close to the body and the shoulder blades back together.
  • Your spine and throw do not think that the neck length is in the extension of the head back too far – this is not good for your neck muscles.

Release yourself from the Position and from the sink when you Exhale, again slowly to the ground.

These are the advantages of the Cobra

No matter whether used as an individual Exercise or as part of your Yoga Flow – your body a lot of benefits from this Asana. For the Cobra:

However, even within one workout, especially to Exercises for the abdominal muscles, is the Cobra is excellent, to provide the strain compensation.

Try it best yourself when you do that Asana very well. Namasté.

Cornelia Bertram

*The post “Yoga Tutorial: The ‘Cobra’ step-by-step guide” is published by FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.