Tricky physical question:

Full Parkplätze already at nine o’clock in the morning, long queues at the ticket Desk and at the Lift, Gedränge, even on wide slopes. Für nature-conscious and erholungsbedürftige people, skiing is often a Wintermämonarch.

Instead of ­Rummel, snow cannons and full Berghühave many tendons in your spare time or in your vacation for peace and quiet, snowy Idyll and lonely landscapes. Therefore, all &shy offer almost;Winter sport places in the meantime, brettl-free Alternatives für skimüde tourists.

To Fuß, on skids in the sled

This köcan, for example, when Fäinability to read unknown animal tracks to follow, the snow-Shoe, the silence of Hiking genießor when ice-skating on the ice führen. Too little Action? Then put the toboggan in the curves, or you dare to take a ride with sled dogs.

The latter Kilyan Klotsch from Altreichenau in the Bavarian forest, organized for example. Good Schneeverhäsituation, he and his Alaskan Malamutes at the Fuß the three-chair mountain on the Tour. The dogs with the black-and-weißen fur like huskies in the XXL Format. They can weigh up to 50 kilograms, and true power are urge packages with an incredible movement. "The Malamutes are, therefore, also the locomotive of the North genannt", Klotsch reported.

With Marathonläbanks on Tour

On his farm, interested in weekend Workshops to learn to work with the dogs. The aim is not only to ride on a sled &ndash ride; but the Gefährt with a double team on a präaround price of 800 meters, power to control yourself. "The create after intense training also AnfäViking."

Dafür müthe Gäste the sled zunäfirst of all, their own power üover the course move – so if you are travelling on a scooter. It was pretty exhausting, says Klotsch: "But the participants the best way to get a Gespür für the work on the sled and dafür, what the dogs actually." A full-grown animal bewämet distances of up to 100 kilometres a day. With around 15 Stundenkilo­meters läit runs unermüSouth through ice and snow. This corresponds to a speed, as it can be reached approximately when Cycling.

Winter wonder land without a runway circus? Yes, it is!

To Fuß: Who moves gladly, but the skiing is not like, you can go on snow-Shoe or winter Hiking on the premises. Schöne routes, for example, in the black forest or in the Allgäu

On the slide: It is also very gemüa number of occasions. Hot ­wrapped in furs and Blankets, genießen MüßiggäViking the snow-covered landscape gemätake in the pace of the horses. Möresembled in upper Bavaria or in the ore mountains. Sportier book a dog sled Tour in the Bavarian forest, or sledding.

On the skids: Frozen lakes are a Paradise f&uuml are not;r ice yachts, but also für ­Eisläthe shore. Prerequisite: The ice is thick enough and the ­­Fläche released.

Only the Breath, otherwise the silence

Klotsch, who is also the race fährt, and it has brought this discipline to the Vice-champion of Europe, usually with a Team of six to eight dogs. After a work accident 19 years ago, the Sanit&auml decided;rmeister with its own operation, to make his Hobby his profession. "I no longer wanted to work with living things, on the object."

Since then, he always looks forward again, his Gämost außergewöto offer similar experiences of nature. "The dog sled k&ouml to;you can freedom spüren and genießen." The für him pure nature. Especially if he trains alone: "I höre only the Breathing of the dogs." 

A house made of snow and ice

A touch of adventure and Ursprüaccessibility köcan heizungsverwöhntes Büromenschen also the Igloo building in the Oberallgäu will experience. After a snow-Shoe tour to the construction site in the fog horn-Region Heike Koch and her husband, Stefan to guide the students in the Kälte in six to eight hours a Dwelling für to build the then well-deserved night’s rest.

Zunäfirst, stomp the Gäste with the Füßen a Schneefläche. From the compressed layer f&uuml be;r is a Two-man Igloo about 60 15 ­Kilo­gram Blöcke ausgesägt and in a certain technology. Möresembled the Igloo building in almost any weather situation. "Only rain-free, it must be, otherwise the Iglus&quot disintegrate;, Heike Koch says. Prerequisite nat&uuml is;of course, that as a building material abundant snow.

Proud of the work of their own Hände

Wilderness Pädagogin cooking observed in their participants often kind­joy in handling the crystalline material – äsimilar to frühere at snowman building. In the fresh winter air with the own Häto create something and to make, creates a deep Gefühl of satisfaction. Many erfüllt the sight of the self-built igloos with Pride.

So gemüoccasions like a Sunday walk in the icy craft, however, is not. It requires a certain stamina and Durchhaltevermögen; some Gäste come köbody to their limits. "Many people are not it is easy gewöhnt, in Minus­temperatures for hours draußen to stop and anstren­the following Täto verrichten&quot transparency;, erklärt Heike Koch.

Light against the claustrophobia

The Igloo with entrance tunnel is finally in, crawl in, the participants with head and snuggle up in the warm Schlafsäcke – für ­­a night in absolute silence in her ice Palace. In many Schneehüwould burn for a long light, the Abgeschlos­ence is gewöhnungs­­bedüin need of renovation. In this respect, Igloo building can be so a course in ­­Matters of self-experience and in dealing with the own borders. Who dares, with a unvergess­experience in Schoß the nature ­rewarded.