Safe Cycling with E-Bikes

Cycle defensively and helmet &ndash wear to; the schützt best. Why not sometimes better on the right-of-way and Elektroräthe with caution genießen should

Risky Ride: In city traffic, it is easy to unüreview situations

Who much the wheel fährt, lives healthy. Hardly anyone würde the contradict. Cyclists train your cardiovascular System, burn überflüvinegars calories and protect your joints. "Already the health gain, if you, for example, to work every day fährt is groß", erklärt Roland chicken from the General German Bicycle Club (ADFC).

Üore than 80,000 injured cyclists per year

But Cycling also has its risks. Chicken: "Für the Bicycle traffic in Germany, there are a lot of too little space and geschüestimated infrastructure – the &shy brings;­significant risks." According to ­The Federal statistical office were 2016 in Germany 8&1thinsp;272 cyclists in Unfäcases injured.

In around three-quarters of the Fälle collided with the cyclists with Cars – only every fourth cyclist was to blame for the Zusammenstoß. About 15 000 injured difficult, 393 died as a consequences of an accident. Just äolder cyclists are strongly gefährdet. Üabout the Hähalf of the töSouth Verunglüwere 65 years of age or &auml were;lter.

In the case of serious Radunfäcases, head injuries h&auml are;often

Researchers determined on the basis of the data of the German trauma registry, of 2817 seriously injured cyclists around 70 percent of the head injuries they had suffered. Für Dr. Christopher Spering, head of section, für Prävention of the German society für Orthopäthe and accident surgery, a clear Signal that the helmet to the bike dazugehört. "He schüsupports the head, particularly the impact on the Straße or the Bordsteinkante", so the trauma surgeon. The helmet reducing the Ütransmission of the impact energy on the verletz­­available brain tissue.

Unverstähourly Spering remains, why do parents carry their children to the Helmet animate – but häfrequently no use. In the age of the child wü75 percent would still have a helmet, for adults the rate is reduced to just 10 percent. The bad model führt, in his opinion, also a Teenager, omitting the helmet.

Most impressively, the expert appeals to äolder people, not to dispense with the head protection. Easy köit is nne otherwise, in case of an accident to ­­Bleeding in the brain. "The risk is particularly groß, if someone blutverdünnende is taking medicines."

Üsurprise on the sidewalk

But not only the helmet and a properly ausgerüsteady bike with Reflectors and light schüappreciate – crucial h&auml is;often the own behaviour in the Straßtraffic. Some cyclists, for example, soft, out of fear of the traffic on the sidewalk. "This is very risky. Drivers, the entrances from the House or underground Parking garages, come, do not expect cyclists on Gehwegen", erklärt chicken. Likewise, with those that are in the wrong direction on bike paths on the road. Chicken: "The häfrequent causes of accidents."

Often the drivers of behavior, but incorrectly, by leaving the shoulder look or cyclist too close überholen. Many Car or truck drivers will take the law cyclists turn to the right-of-way – with fatal consequences. "As a cyclist or a cyclist you can’t assume that, unfortunately, is perceived – and the right-of-way gewährt gets. Therefore, you have to in addition to cornering force &auml vehicles;ußfirst caution lassen", rät chicken.

In case of doubt, better to the right-of-way dispense

"The A and O is the communication with the other Verkehrsteilnehmer", also a trauma surgeon Spering says. A Truck turns right and crosses a bike path, is usually no eye contact with the driver möpossible. "Then rather on the right-of-way without. Who is passive fährt, schützt best." Just Unfälle with trucks run für cyclists often töSouth.

Turn left is also not ungefädangerous. Unsafe cyclists rät chicken to the indirect left turn. "This fäyou hrt straight üabout the intersection and ücrossed then in the second step, from the right edge of the road from the Straße". However, this is only möpossible, if traffic lights regulate the traffic at the intersection.

E-Bikes führen easy to Selbstüberschäup

Meanwhile, people between the ages of 70 and 80 again on the wheel. Especially Elektroräbring the Mobilität zurück. Physicians Spering begrüßt the – but warns of Selbstüberschäup. The E-Bike speeds up the engine as gewösimilar to 25 kilometers per hour, is sometimes too much. The engine prefers 15 km/h chokes. "We all want to be fast. But that is no longer in the age of the right way."

Tatsäactually, the number of t&ouml takes;South verunglüswallowed E-Bike rider, in 2016 there were already 60. According to the chicken, a result of rising sales of Elektrorädern. But he also fäit nde wüdesirable, if Käthe banks are better off with the Gefährt.

Driving behavior of E-Bikes in the test

The R&auml are;the heavier, and the brakes grab better than Fahr­­räbut without a Motor. "Here it is important to dose accurately, so that the front wheel locks and you üabout flies the Handlebars." The Füße on the ground when the Bike is at a standstill, as the engine has stopped pushing sometimes.

Chicken rät, the driving behaviour on the weekend in an empty Parking lot to test before the Straße dares. Because für E-Bikes: Cycling is healthy, if no accident happens.

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