Do you have a thyroid problem? This asana will help

Always seek expert guidance to perform yoga asanas with proper form for optimum results

From helping us keep stress at bay to improving the body’s flexibility, the health benefits of yoga are many. Not just that, some yoga asanas also tend to work on major muscles, and if you have been facing issues with your thyroid gland, which is responsible for the secretion of hormones that affect the body’s metabolic functioning, you can try Eka Pada Setu Bandhasana or one-legged bridge pose.

We recently came across actor and fitness enthusiast Sonal Chauhan giving us a glimpse of her practicing this asana. This is what she said: “Consistent practice of this asana strengthens the back, hamstrings and buttocks, relieves symptoms of menopause, stimulates the thyroid gland and helps in reducing stress and anxiety.”

Ek Pada Setu Bandhasana / एक पदा सेतु बंधासन ??? @anshukayoga ??⁣ Consistent practice of this asana strengthens the back, hamstrings and buttocks, relieves symptoms of menopause, stimulates the thyroid gland and helps in reducing STRESS & ANXIETY. Try this on your toe for that extra lift and for those you struggle with the gluteus (buttock) activation ??⁣ ⁣ #ॐ #setubandhasana #backbend #yoga #sonalchauhan #peace #morning #selflove #selfcare #yogamat #fitness #yogagirl #innerpeace #positivevibes #positivity #miracle #yogaposes #fitindia #mentalfitness #loveyourbody #anshukayoga #love

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Some other benefits you should know about:

Regular practice is known to stimulate the lungs and abdominal organs which help improve digestion.
It is recommended for people with asthma, sinus, high blood pressure and osteoporosis, under guidance.
The asana stimulates the throat or vishuddhi chakra and ensures the smooth functioning of the thyroid gland.

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How to do it?

*Lie flat on the back. Keep the feet together and hands by the side of the hips.
*Take a deep breath in. Exhale, and place both legs in 90 degrees angle on the ground.
*Fold your knees and hold your ankles.
*Place the heels flat on the floor. Keep some distance between your heels.
*While pressing the feet and arms firmly on the floor, lift the hips toward the ceiling.
*The chin would automatically touch the top of the sternum bone (causing a chin lock) which is known to activate the Vishuddhi Chakra.
*Release the ankles and extend the arms along the floor beneath the pelvis. Press firmly into your left foot and draw the right knee in towards the chest.
*Inhale and extend the right leg up towards the ceiling.
*Stay in this pose for five long breaths.
*Bring the right leg down and repeat the sequence with left leg. And then, to come out of the pose, lower the body and rest in savasana.

Chauhan said, “Try this on your toe for that extra lift, and also those of you who struggle with the gluteus (buttock) activation.”

Contra indications

If you have been suffering from back, neck or shoulder injuries.
If you are pregnant
If you are menstruating.

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