
The novel Coronavirus Covid-19 was the beginning of the year, a physician, scientist, and co. in front of a new challenge.

Dry cough, elevated temperature, shortness of breath – it quickly became clear, the symptoms of virus disease are similar to those of a flu.

Because of fever for both disorders is a serious signs, beat many of the Affected at the slightest increase in temperature Alarm.

Now, what is advantage, how high should the normal temperature of the body, without falling into panic.

These factors influence the body temperature

Surprisingly, the normal body is defined as temperature over an exact and accurate number of degrees, which is the same for all valid – after all, every body is different.

Instead, in each case, a small temperature range, in which the individual’s body temperature than normal is considered.

In addition, there are many different measurement methods and different Places on the body where the temperature can be measured – so a small deviation is always possible.

Actually also all – natural factors that can affect the body temperature, the time of day, measurement after rest or after exercise, in women, the ovulation determines the number of degrees quite.

The temperature categories

The classification applies to adults (measured in the After) in the following six areas:

On the other hand, it can have a temperature – this is the case when one has bathed, for example, in very cold water, or other long Coldness was exposed to.

The normal body temperature is between 36.5 and 37.4 degrees Celsius.

So correct fever works measure

The most accurate results are for a measurement in the Po – in the mouth, the measured body temperature is usually lower than in the After.

Also under the armpits, the result is likely to be lower, and thus, inaccurate measurements under the arms provide measurement inaccuracies of up to two degrees.

The right fever thermometer plays a correct determination of the body temperature-an important role – best digital Thermometer is suitable for an accurate measurement.

The classical clinical thermometer has a flexible measuring tip, and displays the measured temperature in °C or °F on a Display.

Otherwise, a thermometer can be used in the case of a measurement in the mouth, you should make sure to eat 30 minutes before the measurement, nothing Hot or Cold or drink.

Very high temperatures should be investigated

Is a normal body temperature, therefore, between 36.5 and 37.4 degrees Celsius. It also speaks of the body’s core temperature, which is in the Interior of the body.

Is displayed at a correct measurement with a suitable fever thermometer, the temperature in this part of the area, is to exclude a possible infection with the dreaded corona virus or influenza very likely.

The temperature should be actually increased slightly, this need not always mean the worst – very high temperatures, however, should be by a doctor to be clarified, because they may indicate a flu, and at the moment also to infection with Covid-19.

If the suspicion of infection with the Sars-CoV-2 Virus – for example, by contact with Diseased or travel in a risk area, they should contact the victim to the health Department or your family doctor.

It is important to contact before going to the practice, the doctor on the phone, in order to prevent any further infection.

Important note: The information in this article contains only General information. For the diagnosis of a health problem we recommend visiting by trained and recognised Physicians.

Antonia Hagedorn

*The post “Corona & co.: What is the normal body temperature is?” is published by FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.