Back training: Home Workout: 7 Exercises for a strong cross

An unpleasant feeling makes itself felt pain in the upper or lower back can restrict the everyday life very. But with the right Exercises such unpleasant pain in advance to prevent it.

If you are looking for preventative Exercises, is at the eight-minute back Workout from Coach Curtis to the right place.

He explains and shows you what Exercises really matters, and why also other muscle groups play a great importance for the back.

Everything you need for the Workout is a Mat, a few Weights and your own body weight. It’s up to you, what are the Weights and intensity you choose, to set new stimuli for your muscles.

With 8 Exercises for a stronger back

These eight Exercises are demanding in the first line of your lower and upper back muscles, but also the abdominal muscles in this Workout a big role. Because as a counter-player to the back of the abdomen is often neglected too much.

Only with a strong stomach is also required in the muscles of the back stability, so that the risk of a hollow cross, or other incorrect postures reduced. For this reason, Coach Curtis also integrates Exercises such as Planks in the eight-minute Workout.

As Equipment you need dumbbells and Kettlebells, so that you can Exercises, like deadlifts, with Weights complete. The choice of the Weights depends on your personal power.

It is important that you, with these Weights, each Exercise clean and controlled, can run – because more is not always better.

How it works: Overall, the Workout of seven Exercises, each for 15 repetitions to be performed. The only Planks you perform the Exercise for 30 seconds. Between the Exercises you do 20 seconds of rest.

The Exercises go from the Video

1. Plank

In the first Exercise, you have to activate the player, so the abdominal muscles, so that your entire body is a basic tension builds. For the Plank you’re putting your elbows underneath your shoulders and you’re using the hands.

Your legs will you get to the back hips and make a body just. Now, lift your body and build up tension in your buttocks and abdominal muscles.

With each Inhale, you focus on the tension of your muscles and keep the back straight.

You don’t have the needed strength to hold the Position longer? No Problem. You can drain the knee briefly to the floor, and finally, the hip lift again.

Try to hold the plank position for three seconds, until you settle to your knees again. So you get to try out yourself with every Workout to a normal Plank.

2. Diagonal Back Extension

With the second Exercise, you focus mainly on your spinal erectors and the glutes, but even here, the abdominal muscles are in stress, since the entire body has to keep up the tension.

For the execution of you’re walking into the all-fours position and place your knees under the hips. Now you put a leg back, so that it is with your body a Straight line. Opposes you put an Arm to the front. In this state your body is in the stretch.

For the actual movement, which initiates the stretch, you move the leg and the Arm, in the direction of the middle of the body.

The elbow moves in the direction of the knees, and your gaze follows the elbow. When you re-Extend your gaze follows the palm of your hand so that the back is experiencing an intense stretch.

After 15 repetitions, switch the leg and the Arm.

3. Ski jumper

In the third Exercise, you focus on your tractor back and put you with the belly on your Mat.

Your arms you lay next to your body, with your palms facing toward the ceiling. Your legs should be stretched out shoulder-width and also on the floor.

Now, lift your torso slightly, and care for a stretch of your back muscles. But be careful: You shouldn’t over-extend.

A Hyperextension can lead to minor injuries and should therefore be avoided. In the downward movement of the upper body is not touching the ground, there’s so durable tension held in the spinal erectors, and thus a greater stimulus is created.

Make sure that you inhale during the upward movement and the downward movement, exhale. Also, jerky movement should be avoided and instead, the Exercise slow and controlled run.

4. Hip extensors

With the hip extensors you, above all, a stimulus for the glutes, but also the back must actively work to keep the upright voltage. For the Exercise, you will lay back your and put on the legs.

Now you move from the hip up until your torso with your thighs in a straight line. Eighth, during the movement to the fact that you think the voltage in the Po.

With the downward movement, your hips moving slowly in the direction of the ground, but does not affect this. Shortly before a touch you start the upward movement again.

This variant is for you to easy? As increase way, you can stretch out each leg straight so that it forms your whole body in a straight line.

As a result, the load on the buttocks, but also the entire body tension, is significantly more intense.

5. Rear Delt Row

Grab the iron for the fifth Exercise you take dumbbells you your short and stand hip width apart. Now you send your hips back and go easy in the knee. Also your back, bend you slightly forward, but pay attention to the fact that he always remains in a straight posture.

First of all, your arms hang relaxed in front of you. Now the dumbbells pull you to the side of your body, so that the elbows along the body work.

In the downward movement you should the entire stretch so that the muscles can take advantage of the maximum movement.

Make sure you choose Weights that you do the movement correctly run can. Your back muscles only benefited from the Exercise, if you the dumbbells far enough off, and thus the entire muscle straining can.

6. Deadlift

Now switch from the dumbbells to your Kettlebell and spent this in front of you. Now, you stand hip width apart behind your Kettlebell and stretch your hip to the rear.

With the back you lean slightly forward and reach for the weight. The back should remain straight and the head in extension of the spine represent.

With a solid handle yourself in a controlled but dynamic and stay upright. You shouldn’t sit in a hollow cross, so injuries could be caused.

Only if you have to you completely, you let the weight slowly back down and repeat the movement.

Make sure that your back takes up permanently a straight posture, because even if the weight is becoming increasingly difficult, there should be no curvature of the spine.

7. Butterfly Reverse

In the last Exercise you put some weight on the upper back, the posterior shoulder, but also the abdominal muscles, the need to ensure a sufficient stability. For this, you grab the dumbbells again to your short-and go easy in the knee.

Now you bend your torso forward so that your back is almost parallel to the ground.

Your arms with the dumbbells are stretched out in the direction of the floor, to provide a stretch your muscles.

Now your arms are working to the side until your arms form a Straight line with your shoulders. Here, too, you should have a Hyperextension is to be avoided as it can cause injuries to the shoulder.

Eighth exploit in the downward movement at a slow and controlled motion and try, also the aspect ratio optimally.

So effective is the back Workout

With the seven Exercises of the back Workouts of Couch Curtis, you can strengthen your back muscles optimally, and therefore future back to prevent pain. However, your abdominal muscles benefit from this Training and provide as a counter-player of the back for more stability in the entire body.

You can choose the weight of your dumbbells and Kettlebells, you, in what intensity, you increase the Training to perform, and can you step-by-step.

Whether in the gym or at home – you decide yourself where, when and how often you Exercises want to run. Concentrate on your personal Feelings and your Motivation.

Michelle Steinmetz

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