After pregnancy: Pilates in only 16 minutes to a stronger pelvic floor

Through the pregnancy and birth the pelvic floor muscles are looser and weaker than before.

A strong pelvic floor muscles stabilized and normally protects the bladder and the bowel. Therefore, it is particularly advisable that the pelvic floor is given back after the pregnancy his Power.

Who’s pool to a comfortable floor exercise addiction, you should try out the new Pilates Workout Juliana Afram. In only 16 minutes shows you Exercises that train the pelvic floor and at the same time, the own body feeling strengthen.

With these Exercises you can strengthen your pelvic floor

For dasPilates Workout you need no Equipment. However, it is advantageous for a soft surface to use as, for example, a yoga Mat to protect the back.

The Workout combines various Exercises that are primarily focused on the own body feeling. A special role in the three orifices of the pelvic floor, the tie you up with different Exercises trying to play.

Your posture benefits of a toned pelvic floor.

1. Pelvis easing

For the first Exercise, you will put yourself in the position of the back.

But be careful: After a pregnancy, it is important that the Belly is kept as low as possible. Therefore, first set a step back and lean on your front leg.

Now you let the rear knee towards the ground and pull your front leg. You sit to one side of your body and put you slowly on the back.

For the actual Exercise you stand with your feet hip width apart and put your hands on your lower belly. Your view goes in the direction of the ceiling. Now you begin to move your pelvis to the rear and the front.

Also, the rotating motion will ensure that the pelvis is loosening.

Attempts to exploit during the Exercise the entire range of motion of the pelvis.

2. Body feel

The pelvis is loose and supple – now it is important a feeling for the pelvic floor to develop muscles. A distinction is made between the three orifices: Vagina, Anus and urethra.

Start with making you aware of to focus on the muscles around your Anus and this hook. The voltage need not be strong, but only noticeable to develop slowly a feeling for the pelvic floor.

Now your concentration on the muscles to guide your Vagina and try to cause a narrowing sense. Switch constantly between tension and relaxation, and make sure that no other muscle groups.

Last, you focus on muscle tension of your urethra. To achieve a muscle contraction, you can do so, as you would the pee to suppress.

3. Tension of the pelvic floor

With the isolated tension of all three body orifices, you should slowly get a feeling for your pelvic floor develop. Now you’re trying the muscles of the body openings at the same time hook. A feeling is developed, as would the lifting of the pelvic floor to the inside.

The tension try to hold for about three seconds and then be aware of the relaxation to begin. Controlled relaxation is just as important for the pelvic floor muscles, such as the strengthening and should not be jerk to be carried out fast.

4. Unilateral Leg Raise

For the fourth Exercise you put your hands next to your body and build the tension in your pelvis, once again. Now you raise a leg. The knee moves to the hip joint, until it discharges again. Once the foot is stable on the floor, you change to the other leg.

Eighth, during the execution of a calm and controlled execution, which is accompanied by a flowing breathing. The pelvis should not swing, but stable on the floor.

5. Activation of the deep abdominal muscles

With the fifth Exercise, you put the focus mainly on the deep abdominal muscles, which are particularly important for the regression after pregnancy.

Your hands on your Ribs and cords, once again, the muscles of your three orifices. You should feel your pelvic floor in lifts.

Breathe now deeply and attempts to blow on the Exhale, an “F”. With this principle, the exhalation, you activate a targeted dietiefliegende abdominal muscles of your body.

6. Lateral Leg Rotation

For the next Exercise, you will put yourself in the position – for this purpose, you put one Arm behind your head and turn you to the side. Put your head on your Arm and curl your legs slightly.

Before you begin the execution, you should make sure that you also feel in this Position your pelvic floor muscles. Now you raise the top leg and bring it up to the pool height. The heel in the direction of the floor, and finally back to the starting position rotate.

By the movement of the heel you will be responsible for rotation, and Rotation of the leg. Your knee should remain during the Exercise in the same Position. The Exercise is carried out for both legs, you can put yourself on the other side of your body.

7. Diagonal Abdominal Muscles

Embark for the seventh Exercise in the Quadruped. Your hands should be level with your shoulders and your knees hip distance be placed. Now you have to build your base, by anspannst your pelvic floor.

For the execution you press the right Hand and the left knee into the ground. Imagine now, that you would draw both parts of the body to each other, the diagonal abdominal muscles to get tense. A real movement does not take place, however.

Try to hold the tension for three seconds, and then switch to the other Hand and the knee. Make sure that your back remains during the Exercise straight and not SAG.

8. Squats

Strong legs are important for a healthy posture and pelvic floor muscles – an Exercise that lends itself to this particularly, are squats. For the last Exercise you have to set up you and feet hip width apart place. Your hands can be placed loosely on your thighs.

Now you start to let your back to slide rearward and into the knee to go, as you’d want to sit down. Thus, you increase the load on the legs and the buttocks.

With the upward movement, you should the pool be completely erect in order to claim the muscles fully.

Michelle Steinmetz

*The contribution of “After pregnancy: Pilates is in just 16 minutes a stronger pelvic floor” published by FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.