Health NewsComments Off on A rose is a rose is a rose: Mathematical model explains how two brains agree on smells: Researchers propose new and critical role for neurons in brain’s smell center
Health NewsComments Off on How your brain learns to expect mud puddles in the park (and other things): Violations of expectations are encoded every day in the midbrain
Health NewsComments Off on 3-D human ‘mini-brains’ shed new light on genetic underpinnings of major mental illness: Using human stem cells, researchers create 3-D model of the brain to study a mutation tied to schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and depression
Health NewsComments Off on Machine-learning system processes sounds like humans do: Neuroscientists train a deep neural network to analyze speech and music
Health NewsComments Off on Sitting is bad for your brain — not just your metabolism or heart: Thinning in brain regions important for memory linked to sedentary habits
Health NewsComments Off on Discovery could let doctors customize brain’s immune response to diseases: Scientists find ‘impossible’ way to load immune cells into brain without radiation
Health NewsComments Off on How neurodegenerative diseases might occur
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