Halloween is just around the corner. While we were putting up pumpkin lights around the garage and decorating the house with cobwebs we started chatting about how to keep our critters safe as we celebrate our favorite holiday: Halloween!
We started by looking at the decorations in and outside the house. Outside we made sure our pumpkin lights were tacked down well to avoid our dog getting tangled or mistaking them for a chewy toy. We also bought flashlights for inside the jack-o-lanterns, eliminating the temptation for our furry ones to play with the fire or knock them over.
Inside the house was a bit more difficult. We are making sure the wires and cords to our electronic decorations (think life size witch!) were tucked away and checking for small parts that could break off and resemble a delicious treat.
Then of course you have the candy, which can pose many threats to your pets. Chocolate and xylitol are a well-known hazard for dogs and cats; however, a lesser known hazard are raisins, which are equally as dangerous!
It just wouldn’t be Halloween without a costume! When considering costumes for your pet, remember to consider the pet’s tolerance to stress. Costumes can limit their vision and fit uncomfortably, causing some pets to panic. If you do go the costume route make sure they are pet-proof, so they don’t get chewed and that your pet is comfortable and happy!
Once the night gets started, make sure your pet has a safe and cozy place to be when the trick-or-treaters come. We love the trick-or-treaters but we don’t like the animals to be stressed, or worse, run out the front door because they get spooked. In case your pet does get out, make sure their microchip registration is up to date, so you can easily track them down. Remember to have a fun candy-filled Halloween! And send us your Halloween pictures to post on our Facebook page at social@fetchpetcare.com.
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