Why turmeric is helping people get their lives back

My joint pain has gone!’ Why turmeric is an astonishing ingredient helping people get their lives back

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You may have heard wellness warriors talking about the health benefits of turmeric, only to be left wondering how on earth the popular household spice had garnered such a cult following.

But the truth is, they’re onto something. Because more and more people are saying that the spice, used to give curry its yellow colour, is helping with various ailments including joint pain, which affects thousands.

FutureYou, a leading nutritional supplement company based in Cambridge, has received a flurry of praise for its Turmeric+ supplements, crediting the daily supplement for alleviating common health complaints including muscle pain and joint discomfort.

Among the many claimed heath benefits of turmeric, its ability to ease joint and muscle pain is one of the most substantiated  

Roz Palmer was at her wits’ end when he came across Turmeric+

It’s all thanks to the supplement’s bioavailable (in other words, they can be circulated and used by the body) ingredients, including 500mg of Curcuma Phospholipid Complex, a patented combination of curcumin, a substance found in turmeric, and soy lecithin, a protein from soya beans.

Curcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric, which helps to maintain normal muscle function after high-intensity exercise, and it’s 30 x more absorbable than any standard turmeric tablets. On top of that, Turmeric+ also contains vitamin C, to help promote collagen formation for the normal function of cartilage.

The impressive formula comes as no surprise seeing as it was developed among world-class research institutions in Cambridge, known as a centre of academic and medical excellence. 

Each one of FutureYou’s game-changing supplements is backed by a high profile scientific advisory board including luminaries Professor Alf Lindberg, a former member of the Nobel Committee and Secretary of the Prize in Physiology or Medicine, and Peter Kirkpatrick BSc MBCHB MSc FRCS, a leading Cambridge University vascular neurosurgeon.

Curcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric, which helps maintain normal muscle function after high-intensity exercise

Turmeric+ contains 500mg of Curcuma Phospholipid Complex, a patented combination of curcumin and soy lecithin.

‘It is well known that curcumin [the active ingredient in turmeric] is poorly absorbed in the gut. Turmeric+ combines curcumin with lecithin to prevent it being destroyed in the stomach. This allows it to be absorbed and distributed around the body,’ explains Professor Lindberg of the supplement’s superior delivery system.

The results of Turmeric+ speak for themselves and, it is claimed, have turned people’s lives around. 

After 18 months of suffering from back pain, Roz Palmer was at her wits’ end when she came across Turmeric+;.

‘The back pain was so bad that I could hardly stand upright,’ she says. After seeing numerous doctors, she was starting to lose hope and resign herself to a life of permanent discomfort.

‘My mum had heard about turmeric and suggested that I had nothing to lose by trying it. I thought I’d give it a go, but didn’t suppose it would work,’ she admits. 

But after just three weeks, Roz started to notice the benefits. ‘Now, I no longer have to hang on to desks to get from place to place at work and I’m now not waking up at night from the pain.’

Roz is now free from her back pain and able to enjoy life – and long walks – again 

Roz isn’t the only one whose live has been transformed because of Turmeric+. David Mullins, 79, had always been very active – he was a keep swimmer and loves going to the gym, as well as enjoying gardening and long walks with his wife. So, when he started to experience the symptoms of wear and tear in his lower back, it really impacted his quality of life.

‘It started to limit my walking. My wife and I love walking, but I was being held back a bit,’ he says. A friend suggested he try Turmeric; ‘I’ve never been into quackery, which I thought this was, but I said I’d give it a try.’ After a few weeks, David realised he was walking further without any pain, but refused to attribute the improvement to the supplements.

‘I finished the first bottle and didn’t buy more. After a few weeks, the old pain was back,’ he says. ‘That’s when I realised that it was the Turmeric+ that had made all the difference. And I’ve never looked back since.’

David Mullins, 79, developed back pain that made it difficult to even walk- but now is able to enjoy his old life thanks to Turmeric+

From being confined to only being able to manage 100 yards, David is now free to stroll for over a mile and a half. ‘My wife and I like to go to National Trust places – there’s usually a lot of stairs and long walks. 

‘The turmeric has made life a lot easier in that way. It’s helped my swimming as well. Before, I was setting off and doing five or six lengths. Now I can almost complete my full 32 lengths.’

While Turmeric+ is especially effective at helping with joint and muscle pain, FutureYou is so confident in their product that they’re giving away free packs to every one of their new customers. 

‘After receiving so much positive feedback on Turmeric+, our team is confident that people will love it within their first pack. ‘So we’ve decided to offer that first pack for free, because our team is excited to spread the word about Turmeric+ – as excited as our customers, who often pass on Turmeric+ to their friends after experiencing it for themselves,’ explains Adam Cleevely, FutureYou CEO.


To claim your free pack, visit futureyouhealth.com/ml71 or call on 0800 808 5740 (freephone) quoting the code ML71. 


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