Prostate diet: 5 foods you should eat every day for a healthy prostate

Dr Nighat discusses symptoms of prostate cancer

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A healthy diet can benefit just about every part of your body, including the tiny gland which helps create semen. Although your prostate is on the small side, health issues beginning in this little gland can become big health problems. These five foods are credited with boosting men’s health, as well as helping reduce the risk of prostate problems including prostate cancer.

Your prostate is a small gland, around the size of a walnut, which helps create semen.

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer for men in the UK, with almost 50,000 men being diagnosed with the condition every year.

However there are many other health conditions that can begin in the prostate, such as an enlarged prostate and prostatis.

Diet can play a crucial role in supporting prostate health.

There aren’t any foods that could ‘cure’ prostate cancer (or any cancer, for that matter), but there are many foods linked to better overall health and a healthier prostate.

Here are the five foods you should eat for a healthy prostate.

1 – Tomatoes

Tomatoes contain a powerful antioxidant called lycopene, which some research suggests could reduce your risk of prostate cancer; however more studies are needed.

It is thought lycopene limits cell damage.

Lycopene is easier for your body to absorb from cooked tomatoes rather than raw ones, so tomato puree, sauce, sun-dried tomatoes and tomato juice are the best sources of lycopene.

2 – Broccoli

Broccoli is rightly considered a superfood for its many health benefits.

This leafy green vegetable is high in a substance called sulforaphane, which has been linked to a reduced risk of prostate cancer as well as being a heart-healthy vegetable.

3 – Green tea

Green tea is often hailed as a healthy hot drink, in addition to your regular tea and coffee.

This tasty drink contains compounds including xanthine derivatives, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) and epicatechin that are thought to boost your overall health and immune system.

4 – Pears and other fruits

According to research, only 12 percent of men eat enough fibre every day, and only a third of men eat all five portions of their recommended five-a-day fruit and vegetables.

Pears are high in fibre which has been linked to a reduced risk of prostate issues.

Nutritionist Rob Hobson has partnered with British Apples and Pears to advocate for the health benefits of these seasonal fruits.

Rob Hobson said: “Pears are a flavoursome, healthy snack and there are so many ways to make your sweet and savoury recipes more exciting with the addition of pears.

“Try teaming oats which are rich in zinc, an essential man mineral, with sliced pears and cinnamon for breakfast.

“You may also want to add these ingredients along with soya milk to create a cholesterol lowering smoothie. If you are looking for something savoury.”

5 – Pomegranates

This seedy red fruit is another excellent source of antioxidants, which help your body stave off cell damage.

Studies on animals and in test tube settings have found promising results for pomegranate juice stopping the production of prostate cancer cells, but more studies are needed in humans.

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