Finding better ways to measure cognitive change in people with intellectual disability: Study finds NIH Toolbox Cognition Battery sensitive to developmental changes in children, teens and young adults

A major challenge in testing new therapies for people with intellectual disability is finding accurate tools to measure whether the intervention or medication works. A new study by researchers at the UC Davis MIND Institute and other institutions suggests that the NIH Toolbox Cognition Battery (NIHTB-CB) is a promising option. The study found the test to be sensitive to developmental changes in children, teens and young adults.

“People with lower developmental abilities are often excluded from research studies and clinical trials,” explained David Hessl, professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and corresponding author of the paper. “That means the results of those studies do not apply to everyone, and this entire group is left out from having the potential benefit of a treatment.”

Intellectual disability is characterized by an IQ of about 70 or lower. It affects 1.8 — 3.2% of people worldwide and can occur with conditions such as fragile X syndrome, autism and Down syndrome.

Intellectual disability also presents with adaptive behavior challenges. It affects academic achievement, independence and many aspects of daily life.

What is the NIH Toolbox Cognition Battery?

The NIHTB-CB is a computer or tablet-administered test. It includes a series of brief tasks to assess cognitive functions like attention, working memory and language.

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