Cancer to Suffer in young people due to Overweight solid

Millennials with obesity suffer more often from cancer

Overweight and obesity can favor the development of cancer. Doctors found that cancer disorders to increase with obesity in the so-called Millennials faster, compared with older generations of people.

The scientists of the American Cancer Society noted in their recent study, Millennials with obesity suffer more often from cancer than in older people. The American experts published the results of their study in the English journal “The Lancet Public Health”.

More and more people suffer from Overweight or obesity

A strong increase in obesity in the last 40 years might have increased the risk of cancer in younger generations, speculate the researchers. This could impair the effects of the recent progress in the treatment of cancer.

Millennials have a particularly high risk

The physicians of the American Cancer Society surveyed for their study, millions of health records from the years 1995 to 2014. In the last decades, there has been growing evidence that certain cancers may be associated with obesity. The researchers found that the Rate of six out of twelve cancer types (colon cancer, uterine, gall bladder-, kidney-, pancreas cancer and multiple myeloma) is increased in connection with obesity, in particular, in the case of Americans under the age of 50 years. And in the case of younger generations between the ages of 25 and 49 years, and particularly in the case of so-called Millennials, they noted a particularly high increase. Millennials (also often referred to as Generation Y) are people born in the period from the early 1980s to the late 1990s.

Why have particularly the younger generations have problems with weight?

The experts say that this Trend is due to the rapid increase in obesity in the last decades, as younger generations worldwide are exposed to an earlier and longer exposure to the dangers of additional weight. The results reveal a change, which should be understood as a warning against an increasing burden of obesity-related cancers in older adults, explained study author Dr. Ahmedin Jemal of the American Cancer Society. Most cancers occur in older adults, which means that in this advanced age, when Millennials, the obesity-related cancer cases and deaths will continue to increase, adds the expert.

Being overweight does not necessarily lead to cancer

The results suggest that a stricter epidemiological Monitoring of cancer development in younger adults. Obesity is, of course, only one factor, the environment, genetics, and other aspects can play an important role. Not every person who contracted certain types of cancer, is overweight, and not every Person with Obesity to cancer.

Why increases the risk for cancer being Overweight?

Fat cells help the body to save energy, but they are also able to chemical signals to other parts of the body to send parts. These signals can cause cells to divide faster, which can cancer. In other words: fat cells make extra hormones and growth factors. These growth factors and hormones with parts of the body’s cells to divide faster. This increases the likelihood that cancer cells are formed, and these can continue to divide and a Tumor cause, the experts explain. (as)