50 patients out of care home in the absence of closing because of staff

In front of the red brick building in the Hagen Beck road in Stellingen Packed boxes are full, Isabella Linder Meier (58) picks up just your hard demented mother Hannelore Mengel (81) from the facility.

50 inhabitants have to find new care place in Hamburg

“We are very much in turmoil, since we know of the closure,” she says. “We were so glad that we had found three years ago, this place is for you.” You have become accustomed to the nurses and when they brought you to visit, so you always wanted to at some point “home”. Such a close bond they had home to the living.

To find a new place, had to contact her daughter for 20 to 30 homes for the elderly. “Many of them were not nice.” Now you have found but with luck a new device. “The relocation Hannelore is, however, entirely by the Wind, because everything is so unknown for you,” says Isabella Linder Meier.

AWO-speaker to closure in Hamburg: “We had to take this step”

The AWO senior center is the first of its kind in Hamburg, the need to close because of open care jobs cannot be filled. “We have not heard of such a case,” says Dennis Kramer, from the health authority. AWO-speaker Frank Krippner says: “We had to take this step, because we are there a long time registered nurses are missing.”

Nine full-time positions could not be filled. More than every fifth job! The facility had to manage with temporary staff. “But since the personnel costs are significantly higher, that would become permanently too expensive.”

The victims and their families were informed at the end of March, from then on, the three-month notice period until the end of June. At the Moment it looks but according to the Union Ver.di so, would until then not all the residents have found a new home. The home can’t close, therefore, to schedule.

AWO emphasizes that no employee has to go. It would also help all members in the search. Isabella Linder Meier says “Real help we didn’t get. We have taken the matter into their own hands.“

Ver.di criticized the old people’s home closure in Hamburg

Ver.di sees the closure is extremely critical. “You would have to change on the part of the AWO in a timely manner,” says the old care competent.di trade Union Secretary, Norbert Proske.

“Many of the affected employees are disappointed by the AWO,” says Proske. Young, well-trained care workers would start no Problem, somewhere else. For older colleagues, it was harder and harder to find something Suitable.

The AWO could not find a carer, it is not surprising Proske. “The AWO pays no wages.” The carrier was, according to Ver.di dropped out ten years ago from the Tariff. Therefore, employees earn for Care and Housing (formerly municipal employer’s) significantly more. On a monthly basis, a difference of 100 to 150 Euro.

But the AWO is not the only employer who pays any wages in the sector. On The Contrary. According To Ver.di to be paid from the 24 000 of Hamburg employees in the nursing service (outpatient and inpatient) only seven to ten percent to the Tariff. AWO-speaker Frank Krippner emphasizes that it is now collective bargaining with Ver.di. For people like Hannelore Mengel, who had found in the Hagen Beck street home, unfortunately, too late.

This article was written by Sandra Schäfer