Can you recommend a pregnancy exercise regime that helps maintain fitness during pregnancy and aids body-shape recovery afterwards? I’m seven weeks pregnant, and currently swim 3-4km and spend about an hour and a half in the gym weekly.
Each pregnancy is different, so listen to your body. Swimming and treadmill work are excellent ways to maintain cardiovascular fitness; three to four sessions a week are quite sufficient. The water also provides a welcome support for your bump, especially in the latter stages of pregnancy. Attend aqua classes for additional toning benefits; circuit-style classes may be especially appealing to your training style.
Replace any impact activities such as running and skipping with brisk walking. Multitask your walking with posture, pelvic floor and gluteal work. As you walk, work your abdominals by tucking your rib cage down to your hips, extending tall through the top of the head. This is essential because your growing baby will naturally cause your ribcage to rise up and out, broadening your back. Take long strides and extend through the back heel for extra buttock-lifting effects.
Challenge your pelvic floor with varied paced contractions; contract them for eight strides and then release. Repeat five to 10 times, then contract and release every two strides, and repeat five to 10 times. Abdominal work can be done throughout pregnancy, but requires modification. Perform regular abdominal exercises until your bump starts to show, then substitute with a position on all fours, sucking your belly button firmly up to your spine – hold for four to eight counts, 16 times. In your third trimester, modify this by leaning on a bed or chair with your hands and remember your multitask walking. Most of all, though, listen to, and respect, your body.
Joanna Hall is a fitness expert (joannahall. com). Send your exercise questions to: Weekend, 119 Farringdon Road, London EC1R 3ER (
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