Urban Gym: an outdoor workout in the heart of the city

What is it all about?

I may be a little strange, but I loved going to the gym when I was trying to get fit. I could measure exactly how much I was improving, and I felt a real sense of achievement when my session was over. These days, I like to think I’ve got a pretty good level of fitness, and the gym’s attractions have paled. I need new challenges that take me out of a sterile environment to keep me motivated.

I am also a devoted city girl and I love discovering ‘secret’ parts of London. So when I heard about the Urban Gym, I couldn’t wait to try it. It is a new workout idea that takes place in the heart of London and Bristol (with more cities to be added soon). Qualified fitness instructors lead small groups on hour-long runs around the city, with frequent stops to perform static exercises on ‘street furniture’.

It’s a middle way between circuits in the park, where your city base is rendered largely irrelevant, and parkour, which uses the city to the max but is too challenging to have mass appeal.

Who is behind it?

It is run by the team behind the Rat Race Adventure, a multi-sport adventure challenge set in Bristol, London and Edinburgh. The Rat Race challenges the notion that extreme sports need to take place in the countryside. The Urban Gym is born out of the same belief that inner-city streets are the perfect setting for an exciting workout.

What’s so good about it?

The Urban Gym is a great way to fit more running into your workout. I would be both daunted and bored by the thought of an hour’s solid running, but during the UG session we were jogging for much of the time without too much difficulty. The key is the route: the organisers meticulously research routes around different parts of the city, avoiding main roads and opting for twisting, turning streets and hidden alleyways. The constant changes of direction break down the running into bite-sized chunks and make it palatable for those, like me, whose hearts would sink at the sight of a long, straight road. The pace and gait varies, too, from straight jogging to high knees, kick backs, sidesteps, skipping and the odd sprint.

The routes also offer an opportunity to see the city in a different light. Railings around a car park are not just railings; they are pull-up bars. Benches are for dips, steps are for jumping up, and even walls are for squatting against in a thigh-burning stance. Our route, the Fleet Streak, began by St Paul’s cathedral and took us through a maze of historic passageways to Dr Johnson’s house. We sprinted past tiny fountains and performed press-ups next to secret sculptures. It was exhilarating being out and about in a quiet part of the city on a freezing cold winter’s night.

The changing scenery livens up the exercise, but so do the strength-based interludes. The instructors are inventive, so as well as the usual press-up and crunches, I found myself crouching in front of a partner lying prone on a ledge behind me, shoulder-pressing their legs (see picture, above left). On another London route, participants use the underside of the Millennium bridge to execute chin-ups.

Sounds tiring …

By the time I got home, I was absolutely exhausted. I had already done a boxing class earlier in the day, and cycled to the start of the run. But on the other hand, if I had been fresh I could have pushed myself harder, so either way you’re guaranteed a thorough workout.

What are the downsides?

The organisers claim that the class is suitable for all levels of fitness. In fact, you need to maintain a steady jog for the best part of an hour, so absolute beginners would struggle to keep up. There’s no chance of being left behind, but the guilt of holding everyone up would be enough to deter all but the most inconsiderate novices.

The session starts and ends on the street: there are no lockers or showers. This means travelling light, which can be difficult if you’re coming straight from work. I started to resent my heavy rucksack after about five seconds of running.

The class is fast-paced, which means each static exercise is over quite quickly. It’s up to you to push yourself and squeeze in as many reps as you can. If you’re lazy and prone to cheating, you won’t get much out of it. On the other hand, if you’re disciplined there’s always a harder option or an extra obstacle to leap on to as you whiz past.

During winter, it’s too cold to socialise after the session. I stopped to chat for 10 minutes and the sweat I had worked up over the last hour felt like it was turning to ice. Of course, you could just go straight to the pub, but then you’d just undo all your good work.

Be prepared for the odd tut and disapproving stare from commuters forced to pause for a split second as you run past. They’re just jealous of your willpower. Other passers-by will cheer you on, so take heart from them.

Perfect if …

You’ve always wanted to try British Military Fitness but don’t like being shouted at. Or parks.

Best avoided if …

You’re already a parkour aficionado. This might seem a bit tame in comparison.

What more do I need to know?

The London sessions start from Paternoster Square at 6pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The Bristol sessions start from Broadmead shopping precinct at the same time on Mondays and Wednesdays. Find full locations details here.

You can try a class for a fiver, with a money-back guarantee. After that, it’s £45 for a four-week training block, £108 for 12 weeks or £390 for a year. Find full joining details here.

The Urban Gym will be rolled out to Cardiff, Edinburgh and Nottingham in the next month, with further locations to follow throughout the year. Join the mailing list to be kept up to date with new locations. Any more questions, visit the website, email [email protected], or call 0845 009 4365.

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