Success story: 30 pounds gone in a year: How Veera has managed

When losing weight, it’s not just about being thin, in order to meet with a slender figure the common ideal of beauty.

The body can benefit from so many other aspects, such as more energy and a healthier self-perception.

Provided, however, it also makes the slimming process healthy.

The modern diet culture is not healthy

That the way to a healthier life style and self-image is not always linear, and often frustrating, can blogger Veera Bianca to sing a little song.

For many years, she has performed with various diets and radical decline methods around. All without long-term success, but a very important realization:

“This diet culture is not the key to health. It makes you ready and leads to eating disorders in the end.”

Since your teenager age Veera tried to change something on your character. You heard from different sides that it was too thick and the other kids were probably laughing at you.

What followed was a most unhealthy descent of various diets and calorie deficits.

“In the end, I was starving, and finally developed a Esstörung”, recalls the young woman in an Instagram Post.

Forgive yourself to start over

However, prior to one year ago, Veera took the decision to change, finally, in a healthy and sustainable way, something in her behavior.

Until then, their health has been affected by their actions. You are not caught on their travels, only two tropical diseases, but they also tried to drown grief and negative emotions in unhealthy food and alcohol.

For the behavior changes, one thing was crucial: “I have seen to this day in the mirror and accepted that I got myself to this point.”

She saw and forgave all the missteps and mistakes that make it in the first place with your health and your body so far had come.

“I awarded me the hundreds of times I had failed,” she says. “I felt strong and beautiful and I was grateful for this body that carried me through all of this.”

Only after this important step, Veera was really ready to pay attention sincerely to your health.

It’s not just about losing weight

Since this Moment, Veera has changed her life – strict diets are a thing of the past now. Instead, it relies on a healthy and balanced diet without a huge calorie deficit.

“I’m trying to take 4 times a day about every three hours, healthy, well-balanced meals to me,” she explains. In doing so, you exclude any foods from your meal plan. “There are some things, however, only in moderation.”

Currently, you’ll eat approximately 1,700 to 2,000 calories a day and take this almost half a Kilo per week. However, the number on your scale it’s not Veera a long time.

Rather, a healthy self-image as the 50 kilos on the scale

“Women’s magazines and the media in General led me to believe that a healthy woman should weigh between 50 and 60 kilos,” she says.

In the course of their puberty Veera weighed, however, soon over 70 pounds and feel between the slender women in her family on the maternal side out of place.

“It was only a year ago, I know that women are built on the side of my father, by nature, heavier. The ideal weight for my body type is, therefore, 85 to 90 kilograms,” she writes on her Instagram page.

“I am still well over 100 kg heavy but not afraid of more, the to say. Because to be ashamed of, instead of me, I am proud of my strong body.”

Cornelia Bertram

*The article “success story: 30 pounds gone in a year: How Veera has done it” is published by FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.