Marathon des Sables: one stage to go

Day four: the big one

Queue of zombies outside the medical tent testifies to yesterday’s challenge: 81km of deep sand and steep ascents (often at the same time) in scorching heat followed by disorientating darkness. First casualty was a fainter on the start line. As I write this there are still people staggering over the finish line. That said, lots of smiling/grimacing through the communal pain.

Tent this morning reaching new levels of pungency. With a day to recover we attempted to wash clothes; succeeded in making them wetter if not cleaner. Becoming very difficult to determine where the dirt stops and I begin. Dreaming of a shower and some real food.

With one stage to go, Rachid El Morabity is still ahead in the men’s and Nikki Kimball has taken the lead in the women’s. Danny Kendall is closing in on a British record in sixth place.

All that’s left now is the small matter of 42.2km on aching legs with blistered feet and raw backs. Thanks again to all those who have sent messages. PS don’t ever let me do this again.

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