Improving technique with Liz Yelling

No two runners have an identical style of running. Some have a long stride, others a short one. Some lift their knees up high while others have almost no pick-up at all. Some seem to flow effortlessly, while others appear to be battling against themselves.

But what good runners have in common is the ability to run efficiently, with good balance, rhythm and posture. If you are to be the best runner you can be, it is essential that you get the basics of good form right.

So, whether you’re a weekend jogger, or a hardened marathon runner, here are some technique pointers to bear in mind.


Don’t hunch your shoulders as you move your arms – stay relaxed.


A good arm action counterbalances the forces generated by your legs. Allow the arms to swing backward and forward like a pendulum, rather than crossing over the front of the body. The elbows should be bent at around 90 degrees.


Make a light fist – don’t clench.


Don’t “sit” on the hips. Let the hips extend and pull up tall through the pelvis.


Allow the ankles to relax rather than holding them rigidly.

Cadence and stride length

The two factors that determine how fast you run are the number of strides you take per minute (your cadence) and the length of those strides. It’s said that the ideal cadence for a distance runner is 180 steps a minute. To find out how close you are to that target, count the number of times your left (or right) foot hits the ground over 30 seconds. Multiply the figure by two to get your cadence.

The best way to speed up is to quicken your cadence rather than make your stride longer. Overstriding can cause your foot to land too far in front of you and act as a brake …

Remember that faster running requires faster arm motion as well as legs – try speeding up without moving your arms more quickly and you’ll see what I mean.


Look forwards, rather than down at the ground as you run and keep your head still.


Avoid unnecessary twisting through the mid-section. Keep the body upright.


Don’t get hung up about specific breathing techniques when you run. The important thing is to stay relaxed and, as you get into your stride, to allow your breathing pattern to adjust to provide the right amount of oxygen. It doesn’t matter whether you breathe through your nose, mouth or both as long as it feels comfortable.


Gently pull the tummy in to strengthen the core but don’t overdo it – you need to be able to breathe freely and stay relaxed.

Moving forward

Remember, your overall direction of travel is forward, so don’t waste energy on bouncing up and down or on movements that don’t contribute to your forward motion, such as allowing your arms to swing across the front of your body.


The faster you run, the higher the knees will come. Keep the hips, knees and lower legs in line.


The way your foot strikes the ground will be determined by your personal biomechanics, and the key thing is to ensure that you have a pair of running shoes that supports your running style. You shouldn’t hear your feet “slapping” the ground.

Liz Yelling is the author of The Woman’s Guide to Running (Hamlyn, £11.99). She also helps runners of all abilities achieve their targets through her coaching company,

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