How was your rather long weekend running?

As I had the day off, and did my long run yesterday, let us all collectively agree that today is the first day of the week (a four day week! you’re welcome) and discuss our weekend of running.

So, my weekend went from virtuous track session with added extra reps on Saturday morning, to a fairly epic hangover on Sunday. Saturday night was my running club’s Christmas party, aka the event were you think “good heavens, so that’s what you look like when you aren’t dressed in slightly sweaty breathable layers!” about your lovely team mates. I won an award (thank you team!) had rather a lot of wine and made my feet hurt by wearing heels – alas, I’m still waiting for Nike or Asics to come up with neutral gait dress shoes suitable for long evenings.

Hence the long run yesterday, followed by refuelling in proper style at my favourite restaurant. All in all, a wonderful long weekend of running, eating, drinking – repeat to fade. So, tell me all about yours, folks. PBs, long runs, mud sweat and tears below the line as always.

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