Halle Berry Just Posted A Video Sharing Her Super-Intense Fitness Goals For 2019

It’s pretty much a given that every year loads of people are going to make New Year’s resolutions that revolve around getting more fit and losing weight, only to ditch them a few weeks later. Well, Halle Berry decided to go big or go home with her New Year’s goals this year, which she posted on Instagram. (Hello, #accountability.)

“If you’re the type of person that purchases a gym membership Jan 1st but doesn’t end up really using it, I’m talking to you!” she captioned an shot on Instagram of herself with her trainer, Peter Lee Thomas.

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“This #FitnessFriday is all about setting realistic goals and intentions for yourself in the #NewYear! Write them down, put them somewhere you see every day and keep them as your daily motivation to stay focused and inspired on your #2019 fitness journey.” (TBH, you probably need one of these fitness journals if you’re trying to do that.)

Halle then sent people to her Insta stories where she spelled out her goals for 2019:

1. “Get bad ass banging abs.” I’m a little confused about this one, since this is Halle freaking Berry, who has abs you can shred cheese on. But I guess there’s always room for improvement!

2. “Learn a new martial art.” Halle already adds martial arts into her training, but apparently there’s more to learn. Also, she’s directing and starring in an upcoming movie about MMA, so clearly she’s motivated by her work.

3. “Inspire more people.” Just peruse her #FitnessFriday posts. Done and done.

4. “Run more.” SAME.

5. “Do Bikram yoga.” Halle is already pretty big into yoga, but Bikram is pretty intense. It’s usually performed in a hot and humid room and most classes run for 90 minutes, making it no joke.

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Just to recap, even the woman who is as fit as a 25-year-old at 51, does jaw-dropping handstands, demos ridiculously hard ab exercises on the regular, and is a living, breathing fitness goal has new fitness goals. (Halle, she’s just like us!)

But seriously, Halle was a beacon of #fitspo in 2018, and I can’t wait to watch her conquer those intentions in 2019.

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