Get fit in 12 weeks: Week one

Health check

Before you launch into the get-fit plan, answer these questions:

a) Have you ever been diagnosed with:

arthritis; asthma; any heart condition; diabetes; high blood pressure; hernia epilepsy; high cholesterol; liver/kidney condition; muscular injury

b) Has anyone in your immediate family had heart disease, stroke, raised cholesterol or sudden death? Have you been hospitalised in the past 12 months? Are you pregnant? Have you given birth in the last 6 weeks? Do you smoke?

c) Have you ever had any of the following during physical activity/exercise?

Muscular pain; unusual breathlessness; chest pain; dizziness; fainting; cramps; swelling; nausea

If the answer is yes to any of these, consult a health professional.

Three ways to get your heart rate up

Who cares if it’s a cliche to start a get-fit plan in the first week of January? Now is as good a time as any, and whether you’re hankering after a midriff like a Pussycat Doll or just want to be able to run for the bus without breaking into a sweat, you are going to have to incorporate cardiovascular (CV) exercise into your life. Do some regularly and you’ll see a reduction in blood pressure and LDL’s (bad cholesterol), an increase in HDL’s (good cholesterol) and a decreased risk of heart disease. Your metabolic rate will increase, helping you to lose weight, your body will release endorphins, reducing stress and anxiety, and you’ll look better too. This week, do any one of these low-impact activities a minimum of every other day for at least 20 minutes.


It sounds a bit wussy, but walking is low impact, low stress and can be done anywhere. If you don’t feel comfortable out in the real world then walking on a treadmill is fine, but include a small incline and challenge yourself by choosing an appropriate speed. Work at a level where you are slightly out of breath but able to hold a conversation.


Great whole-body exercise, using all major muscle groups. Water adds resistance so you can burn up to four times more calories swimming than running over the same distance (not time). Do 10 minutes in your chosen pool and see how many lengths you can do, rest for three minutes, then repeat the cycle. Try to match or come within one length of your first score during your second set.


Cycling places minimal stress on the joints and is great for strengthening and toning the legs and bottom. If you can, record your distance. An easy way to do this is to map your route using a website such as

Too easy for you? Why not find a hill to walk or cycle up, or try an aqua aerobics class?

Tone up
The squat

This is a classic exercise, which uses calves, glutes, hamstrings and quads. It also engages the muscles of the upper body if performed properly. Try to do three sets of 20 repetitions, with a 30 second rest between each set, three to five times this week.

Too simple? Then hold weights by your side.

· Gently lower yourself down, breathing in deeply, ensuring you keep your heels in contact with the floor. It should take you a count of three to get to the bottom position as shown. Keep your chest facing forward and keep a straight back. Try to get your thighs parallel with the floor.

· Exhale and push up using your legs. It should be a count of two back to the top.

· Stand upright with feet a shoulder-width apart.

· Place finger tips behind ears or place arms across chest or relax by your side.

In seven days’ time …

Other than a few new aches and pains, you may not feel dramatically different. But this week is about establishing a base to work with and geeing yourself up for the next step. You will find that eating appropriately and drinking plenty of water teamed with this aerobic activity should make you feel more energetic and alert even within this first week. In the meantime:

Start a training diary

Record: your resting heart rate every morning at the same time; minutes of exercise performed per day; distance covered (or lengths done) and energy levels after exercise. Also keep a record of your weight – although the main goal is to get fit, a side effect of increased activity is weight loss.

Drink a minimum of two litres of still water per day – not including tea, coffee and juices; you can have these on top of your water if you are still thirsty. At first you may need to go to the loo more than normal but after a week your body will become hydrated and frequency will reduce.

Eat every three to four hours throughout the day. Try to eat natural produce: if you can kill it, dig it out of the ground or pick it then it is probably healthy. For example, a bag of crisps is less healthy than a few organic nuts and a piece of fruit. Eat small portions and avoid the obvious – saturated fat, sugar and salt. Matthew Robinson is a qualified fitness trainer.

· Next week Harder, faster, longer – the guide steps up a gear

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