What does it involve?
All too often stretching is performed only as part of a warm-up or cool-down, a few minutes snatched from a workout devoted to an altogether different kind of exercise. Here we redress the balance and give flexibility the attention it deserves.
A flexible, conditioned body is a strong, functional body. That flexibility is achieved through a range of stretching and strengthening moves. The exercises on the following pages aim to lengthen muscles, increase their range of motion around a joint and ultimately make the body less vulnerable to injuries such as strains and muscle pulls.
Some of the exercises outlined here will focus on improving the strength of the abdominal muscles that wrap around the midriff, supporting the musculature of the back and maintaining good posture. Others will work on enhancing flexibility and rotational movement patterns that will ensure the body is supple and adept at coping with every physical eventuality.
Of course, exercise is more than just a way to tone up and enhance muscle function – it has a far-reaching and positive impact on the mind as well as the body. It counters the adverse effects of pent-up tension and boosts blood levels of beta-endorphins – naturally occurring opiates that can heighten our mood. Other neurotransmitters such as adrenaline, serotonin and dopamine, all of which are required to produce a feeling of euphoria, are secreted in the brain when we move the body. Stretch regularly and you will not only enhance flexibility, but achieve peace of mind.
You’ll love this if …
You live a hectic life and want to use exercise to relax and unwind as much as to get in shape. For those who spend hours a day chained to their desks, this workout plan will also help the body become realigned, regaining good posture. Being slumped over your desk can inhibit everything from breathing to digestion (as your organs are crunched). Improved flexibility through a range of stretching and conditioning movements is the best means possible to a better functioning body.
This isn’t for you if …
You are a competitive type or are looking to boost cardiovascular fitness. Although there are more strenuous forms of yoga and Pilates, the exercises on the following pages should be complemented with regular aerobic activity.
Motivate yourself by …
Monitoring your progress. Not all moves will be easy to master at first, especially if you haven’t done any flexibility work for a while. But progress will be swift if you repeat the moves little and often. Make a note of any moves you find difficult and revisit your notes a month later to see how far you have progressed.
Dancing: studies have shown that dancing to music relieves stress and enhances flexibility at the same time. If you are struggling to motivate yourself to do an organised exercise session, turn on your stereo and let loose instead.
Meditating: this is a big focus of yoga and, for many people, it becomes the most important aspect of the practice. Even if you don’t feel ready to meditate, creating designated periods of silence a few times a week while you stretch will actively lower your stress levels.
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