For hot days of Christmas: With the carriage position to take your sex life travel

During the cold Season, many of us prefer the comforts of home. The best time to have a few to try out a new bed, and to bring new momentum into the love life.

In the slide position you can fall

The carriage position is not complicated, promises to be both partners, but a lot of enjoyment.

How it works: The woman lies on her back and stretches the arms above the head. The man kneels before her and spreads her legs. He grabs the girl on her butt and lifts her lower body up.

In this Position, can let the woman completely covered and your Partner to the leadership to decide.

For a more intense experience, you can press your legs a little harder and your body to the beat of the Partners resonate.

So he reaches otherwise hard-to-reach Places.

To make it easier to position something, you can position the woman your lower body on a pillow.

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