Fit thanks to the Corona-crisis: So often, the Germans are currently Jogging

Who want to keep in the last few weeks to be fit and play sports, had to Willy-nilly have to resort to Home Workouts or exercise in the fresh air.

Very little to include all those likely to be interested in, which are anyway athletic to foot.

The daily round of Jogging, finally, is allowed to continue and is even highly recommended – after all, the physical exercise strengthens the immune system.

A Civey survey, in cooperation with FIT FOR FUN shows, like the Corona of a crisis on the Jogging are affected by the behavior of the Germans.

In the survey, a total of 5,011 thousand regular joggers took part in the investigation period from the 29.04.2020 to 05.05.2020.

Regularly run to Corona time

Whether it’s for health reasons, to a couple of Kilos to get rid of, or just clear the head: The Corona-pandemic seems to be die-hard runners from your Training to prevent – on the contrary!

A total of Jogging sessions are now even more likely to still be more likely to enter everyday life. Approximately 28 percent of the respondents are currently more Cardio exercising than before.

The compared to 20 per cent, in the current Situation, less time or leisure for the regular run-of-round, however, after all.

Younger people are now more likely to

The younger generations seem to grasp significantly more often to a running Shoe than the older.

Because while the 18 – to 29-Year-old is now an impressive 43 percent of work-out more often in the fresh air, in the case of the persons between 30 and 39 years of “only” 34 percent.

Of for 50 – to 64-Year-old is also about 23 percent more to run than a couple of months ago. A good fifth of this age group has, however, in contrast, less Sport than before the advent of the Coronavirus.

In the city of the mind

While between the sexes is not a really remarkable difference is observed, to show the poll numbers that people run at the moment, especially in the cities have more frequent rounds.

While in regions with a low population, only 23.1 percent density running more often and a little more people there, even less likely for a jog, looks like the in the cities differently.

In the case of a very high population density of 37.6 percent are currently looking for the sporting balance of a Home Office or nursery – and school-free daily life. Less move, or 17.3 percent, to do this just once.

Tip: Who in the city is living and sport would like to, should the running route so that these are not directly next to a busy road runs along.

The exhaust gases would pollute the lungs otherwise and the positive health effects of the sport tend to negate.

Cornelia Bertram

*The contribution of “Fit thanks to the Corona-crisis: So often, the Germans are currently Jogging” is published by FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.