Of goose Fondue to mulled wine and cookies. In the Christmas holidays, we indulged in one or the other of gluttony and that is a good thing. But now is the time to look back on our body with a balanced diet and the right fitness program, announces the excessive Kilos for the fight. Together with the experts of the app, we have compiled a series of the best Work-out Exercises and diet tips for you to get back into shape quickly. In part 1, we start with three full body workouts for muscle building and intense fat-burning:
Exercise 1: Burpee
What exactly is a Burpee is? The movement from the push-UPS on knee-bend in the straight jump is called a Burpee – very roughly speaking. So get down in the pushup, the chest must touch the ground, then it goes over the squat in the high yield leap, the hands are moved behind the head and should touch the other, then it goes back into the pushup. What is it with the Burpees? To a straight position, the straight jump knee, hip, and shoulder form a line. The feet leave the ground.
Exercise 2: Squat Jump
Caution – Squat Jumps are super exhausting! It first goes to a maximum of shoulder-width Squat, hips below the knees, the knees over the toes. This Position for a Moment hold. Then you jump out of that Squat straight up to a straight jump. That is, shoulders, hips and knees stay in a line. It is important to keep the breast really always about the hips, to lessen the strain on the lower back wrong.
Exercise 3: Spiderman Push-Up
In this Variation of the pushup, the whole body is trained optimally in the case of correct execution. Starting position is the prone position, the hands are approximately shoulder-width apart on the floor. The fingers point to the front, the thumb to the inside. The arms are stretched, and push the torso upwards. The weight is evenly distributed on the toes and the hands. The head, neck, spine, and knee form a line. Now, the elbows are flexed to the height of the back and the right knee to elbows, then to the left. The thigh touched the elbow and allows the athletes a little as a climbing Spiderman appearance – hence the Name.
How many reps?
We recommend each Exercise for 40 seconds to perform, then 20 seconds of rest. The next Exercise comes back in 40 seconds to give everything, then 20 seconds of rest. If you create three rounds of the three Exercises, it takes the Work out not even 10 minutes, trained but the whole body.
Fit in the new year
You don’t have enough? Then you combine the Work out with the other Parts of our Fitness Challenge! In part 1 we take care of fat burning and muscle building. In part 2 we have some of the best Exercises for strong biceps. In part 3 we show you abdominal exercises that are more effective than Crunches are the best Abs of all time. And in part 4 we tell you how you muscular legs. Accompanying this, we have the best nutritional tips for you.
This article was written by (Cordula spark)
*The post “Bye Bye, winter bacon: So you boost quickly your fat burning” will be released by GQ. Contact with the executives here.