Brief workouts for runners: dynamic warm-up

OK, this time it’s not really a workout. It’s a dynamic warm-up. And a short one at that. But if you are someone who goes out on their long run after no more than a cup of tea to warm up – or, and this is even more common, uses the same static stretching you were taught by your PE teacher in the 80s, then you should find this routine a better way to prepare.

Certainly, doing static stretching before a run is not the best idea. Studies (McMillian et al., 2006) have shown that standing and holding stretches before performance will actually hinder your performance. Dynamic stretching, on the other hand, uses controlled movements to increase flexibility, increase heart rate, loosen up muscles, increase blood flow and body temperature and get the body ready for an effective run. So that’s what we will focus on.

The plan

The exercises in the videos below target the muscles used when running. Please focus on form as we don’t want any injuries before we’ve even got onto the road. If you are new to some of these movements, then start slowly with small ranges of motion and increase the range as you get a bit more warmed up. Find an area of about 10m in length to work in and move to the next exercise when you have done a dozen or so of each movement, or you feel ready. This workout will only take you 3-5 minutes so there really is no excuse not to do it before you go out on your run.

The workout

Russian walks

Walking in a straight line bringing the knee up high on each step while creeping up onto the tiptoe if you can. Very exaggerated movement but really loosens up the hip joint which will play a massive role in your run.

Walking bum kicks

Walk forward with an exaggerated back swing so that your heel comes up to meet your glutes with each step.

Lateral lunges

Standing side on, step outwards with one foot and bring your bum down towards the floor and bring the second foot across to meet the first one in a lunging movement. Make sure to do both sides.

Single leg deadlift walk

Keeping your standing knee soft (not completely straight or bent) bring your head down towards the floor at the same time as your back leg coming up towards the ceiling. Do alternate legs. Think of this as a pendulum movement.

Stiff leg swing

Time to really loosen up for this one! Swing your (straight) leg up to touch your outstretched opposite hand and repeat with the other side. Don’t be afraid to try and get a rhythm on this one and turn it into a skip. The more movement, and the straighter the leg, the better.

Arm circles

Make big circles with your outstretched arms making sure to start slowly. 10 times in one direction and 10 times in the other.

Back lunges and high knees

In a standing position drop one knee backwards to the floor (not resting there) and bringing that same knee up high in front of you. Repeat with the other leg.

Wide stance star jumps

Jump moving both feet outwards and drop your bum down; spring back up bringing your feet together and repeat, in a different take on the star jump. Then do the opposite and have the feet together on the downward phase.

Closed star jumps

Donald Maxwell is a personal trainer with a MSc in sport performance enhancement. He works at Virgin Active and can be contacted at [email protected].

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