Whether in the garden, a bike tour or even in the bedroom – with the beginning of the warm Season of the year, stinging insects are lurking almost everywhere. In Central Europe, particularly wasps, bees and mosquitoes are represented.
The insects release when people are mostly harmless skin reactions caused by proteins in the saliva of the insect, or poison.
In rare cases, a sting or bite, however, leads also to a severe allergic reaction or allergic shock, and should be treated by a doctor.
Insect bites are usually harmless
In the summer of dieMücke is probably one of the most unpleasant insects, but their bite is for the majority of people are harmless. Although mosquitoes can transmit several diseases and tropical pathogens, but the risk in Germany is currently rather low. The bites cause to the affected area of skin usually only a wheal or erythema of the skin.
The sting of a bee or wasp, however, is significantly more painful than the bite of a mosquito. In the engraving, the insects transmit their venom through their stinger into the skin. Usually the sting remains stuck in the skin and should be removed quickly.
The effect of the poison manifests itself in the affected area by pain, redness, and swelling. However, already after 24 hours, the relief of symptoms starts – if this is not the case should be investigated by a doctor the affected area.
Home remedies to relieve discomfort
In order to alleviate the symptoms of a stitch or bite, offer all sorts of home remedies. An extremely effective method, is the application of concentrated heat. Researchers in a German study of 146 volunteers on the response of bee and wasp stings and mosquito bites.
The application of heat showed already after a few the decrease in the swelling and pain in all subjects, so that the symptoms were alleviated after no more than 10 minutes completely.
With itching a cold compress is especially recommended. By the contraction of the blood vessels, the skin reaction that caused the stitch is reduced.
A further possibility is the application of antihistamines in the Form of creams. Reduce the release of mediators that cause the symptoms and so the itching, skin redness and reduce swelling.
But, regardless of how unpleasant the symptoms are, you should not scratch the affected location. The open wound is an attack surface for viruses and bacteria, which in the worst case lead to a severe inflammation.
Gallery: Local stinging insects at a Glance
In the case of severe reactions to the doctor
In the range of 1.2 to 3.5 per cent, an insect bite can cause more severe reactions – an allergic reaction to the sting of a bee or wasp affects not only the skin, but also other organ systems.
The result of an allergic shock can be respiratory problems, circulatory problems or loss of consciousness. In this case, immediately an ambulance should be called, as an allergic shock can end in the worst case, fatal.
As soon as the contact with an insect bite is an unpleasant skin reaction, should be Concerned, consult a doctor to avoid the possibility of late reactions. Specific immunotherapy can prevent such a severe reaction in the future.
Preventive measures to reduce Stechrisiko
In the interior of the house it offers mosquito nets fitted to the Windows. They prevent the Penetration of larger insects, such as bees, wasps or mosquitoes. Doors and Windows should remain of the day mostly closed.
In the fresh air, adequate skin coverage and the right clothes can protect you from potential stings and bites – especially if you are sensitive to insect bites.
Also when Drinking from an open container you should be particularly careful: A sting in the mouth or throat can also be without Allergy extremely dangerous because of the respiratory swell up within a short period of time.
Important note: The information in this article contains only General information. For the diagnosis of a health problem we recommend visiting by trained and recognised Physicians.
- Environmental Federal office (2019): “mosquitoes”, retrieved on 26.05.2020 https://www.umweltbundesamt.de/stechmuecken#aussehen
- Przybilla, B. et al. (2012): “Insect Stings: Clinical Features and Management”, Dtsch Arztebl Int 2012; 109(13): 238-48. DOI: 10.3238/arztebl.2012.0238 https://www.aerzteblatt.de/int/archive/article/124331
- Bromm, B. et al. (1995): “Effects of Menthol and Cold on Histamine-Induced Itch and Skin Reactions in Man”, Neurosci Lett . 1995 Mar 10;187(3):157-60. doi: 10.1016/0304-3940(95)11362-z. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7624016/?dopt=Abstract&holding=f1000,f1000m,isrctn
- Müller, C. et al. (2011): “The use of concentrated heat after insect bites/stings as an alternative to reduce swelling, pain, and pruritus: an open cohort-study at German beaches and bathing-lakes”, Clin Cosmet investigative team from Dermatol. 2011; 4: 191-196 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3257884/
- Lee, C. et al. (2006):”Oral antihistamines for insect bites”, Emerg Med J. 2006 Sep; 23(9): 721-722. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2564222/
Michelle Steinmetz
*The contribution of “bees, wasps & co.: when are insect bites dangerous?” is published by FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.