Australian study: you must be Jogging in order to live longer

That Running has a positive effect on health, it should be clear: Stronger bones, improved endurance, lower blood sugar levels, and even a longer life are some of the many Benefits.

The Beautiful: from the rich to come into the enjoyment of these advantages, about 50 minutes of Running per week – so the results of a new study by the Institute for health and Sport, Victoria University, Melbourne.

Runners have a lower risk of death

Professor Zeljiko Pedisci and his Team have analyzed 14 different studies, and in which the connection between Jogging and the risk of death investigated has been fought.

Overall, 232.149 people were accompanied on a minimum of five to a maximum of 35 years.

The results: volunteers who have regular Jogging, a 27 percent reduced General risk of death. The probability of dying as a result of a cardiovascular or Kresberkrankungen, is reduced in runners 30 and 23 percent.

No matter whether you are an Amateur athlete or performance of runners: 50 minutes of Jogging per week is enough, so you can benefit from the health advantages.

Photo gallery: The best foods for runners

It runs longer, strengthen the health-promoting effects, however, not even once.

“This is good news for all who have little time for sports, but should also encourage those who like to run more often and longer,” says Professor Pedisci in a press release on the study.

Running brings benefits for everyone

The findings confirm previously collected data, including, for example, a 2014, in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology published study.

After a period of 15 years, Sport and health, from around 55,000 Americans have been collected, the study comes with a recommendation of five to ten minutes a day – also on the weekly period of 50 minutes.

Here, too, the authors emphasize that everyone benefits from the advantages of, for example, Overweight and a smoker.

Pedisci stresses that can Run as a popular national sport, thus, a decisive contribution to national health. This is true for study in Australia, but can also be transferred to Germany.

In this country Jogging currently, about 20 million people, so a good quarter of the total population.


  • Pedisic, Zeljko/Shrestha, Nipun/Kovalchik, Stephanie/Stamatakis, Emmanuel/Liangruenrom, Nucharapon/Grgic, Jozo/Titze, Sylvia/Biddle, Stuart J. H./Bauman, Adrian E./Oja, Pekka (2019): Is running associated with a lower risk of all-cause, cardiovascular and cancer mortality, and is the more the better? A systematic review and meta-analysis, retrieved on 07.11.2019.
  • Lee, Duck-chul/Pate, Russell R./Lavie, Carl J./Sui, Xuemei/Church, Timothy S./Blair, Steven N. (2014): Leisure-Time Running Reduces All-Cause and Cardiovascular Mortality Risk, retrieved on 07.11.2019.

Laura Hindelang

*The post “Australian study: you must be Jogging in order to live longer,” published by FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.