Your technique can make a huge difference to your sweat sessions, from the obvious benefit (preventing injury) to the overlooked (better results).
Just ask Kayla Itsines.
In a recent Instagram post, the fitness guru shared the mistakes she sees the most when people do her at-home workouts. And thankfully, they are pretty easy to fix.
“If you have a mirror around the house, I recommend putting it near your workout area so you can check on your form during your workouts,” she captioned it. “If you don’t have a mirror at home, that’s okay! I’ve filmed these tips for you to keep in mind when training.”
Kayla’s technique tweaks:
TRICEP DIPHands should be shoulder-width apart
Keep your shoulders back and face looking forward
Bend your elbows and dip down until you’re at a 90-degree angle
RAISED-LEG CRUNCHEngage your abs before beginning the movement
Start the movement by using your abdominal muscles, not your head
Keep the movement slow and controlled
PUSH-UPHands should be shoulder-width apart
Keep your body in a neutral position by engaging your core and glutes
Keep your shoulders back
Push the floor away from you
Pro tip: “SAVE this post and refer back to them when you need. ?”
Thanks for sharing, Kayla!
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