Last week I suggested that male participants in the army fitness programme were shy about sharing their achievements. This prompted several men to email in and prove me wrong. So, congratulations to the following, who have all made great progress. Jasper McCrea has persevered despite damaging his achilles tendon in week one, replacing the running with swimming and cycling. Similarly, Chris West has achilles tendonitis and cycles instead of running. He increased his press-up and sit-up max by about 15 each in the second fitness test. Dan Moore has improved in all areas of fitness and, just as impressively, has given up smoking and cut down on his drinking since starting the programme.
Adam Snow, in particular, is not backwards about coming forwards. He said: “I don’t think I’m hiding under a bushel – I managed to smash my time for the mile-and-a-half run by 4 minutes and 24 seconds from 16.45 to 12.21, which I have to say is some going.” It certainly is.
Keep your tales of success coming – they help me keep going on the tough days!
I have a bit of break today, but still keep active. I cycle to work and to korfball training, where I put in an hour’s shooting practice.
More cycling today, followed by a 22-minute run when I get back from work. I drag my boyfriend out with me, and we manage a longer route than previous weeks in about the same time, so we must both have improved. Towards the end of the run I still have some energy in reserve, so I speed up for the final stretch. I have time to get my breath back and am waiting nonchalantly outside the flat by the time he puffs up. I feel quite smug!
My scores in the strength exercises are just a slight improvement on last week’s, but at least I don’t feel the same sheer exhaustion at the end of them. I think yesterday’s relative rest was beneficial.
Rest day.
Cycling and korfball training.
More cycling, plus interval training at the gym in my lunch hour. I manage to go up a level for the last two minutes of fast running – another sign of progress.
I have an all-day korfball tournament today, which is good for my aerobic fitness. I stick around for the post-match meal and pub, but bail out when the party continues at another bar. I’m exhausted – and I haven’t even got the crutch of alcohol to sustain me.
I fit in the circuit training before a big brunch of scramble eggs and smoked salmon. My appetite seems to be increasing day by day, and it wasn’t exactly small to begin with. Of course, this must be a natural consequence of so much exercise. Reader Richard Williams can attest to this: “I have already seen a substantial decrease in my flabby stomach, even though I am eating more than ever”, he reports. I wonder if the army has any dietary advice, and email Major Colclough to find out. I’ll report back when I receive his reply.
· Are you following the official army fitness programme? Email to share your experiences in next week’s training diary
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