Easy exercises to tone arms at home

Toning down arms is generally the concern of a lot of people and in case you have worrying too, do not worry, we have your back. Here are some easy exercises you can do at home to tone your arms.

It is important to have toned arms if you want to give out a slimmer, leaner look. With the festive and wedding season in the air, it is always a good idea to tone your arms and flaunt that perfectly fitted dresses.

But getting a stronger and sleeker upper body might seem like complicated math to some. If you are worried about the fat around your arms, do not fret for we have you covered. Here are some easy exercises you can do at home to tone your arms.

Wall push-ups

* Stand while facing the wall.

*Lift your arms to your shoulder level.

* Place your palms firmly on the wall.

*Lower your chest and head by using your elbows. Keep your head in a neutral position.

*Now exert pressure and come as close as you can to the wall.

*Keep your arms straight.

Watch the video here.

Floor dips

*Sit down with your feet in front of your body. Stretch your legs and keep your back straight.

*Pull your feet to support your lower back.

*Put your hands behind your hips and lie flat.

*With the help of your flatly pressed palms, raise your hips and then drop down.

*Keep your chest open and exert force on your triceps.

Watch the video here.


*Put your hands under your shoulder.

*Keep your spine and neck straight.

*Keep your head in line with your back.

*Hold this position for 20 seconds.

There are several variations of a plank. Choose the one you will be comfortable doing.

Check how to do it here


*Stand straight and see to it that your feet are closed together.

* Bend and place your hands near your feet. Do not bend your legs.

*Walk with your hands and keep your legs straight.

*Stop when you are in a push-up position.

*Take small steps forward with your legs and stop only when your feet are near your hands.

Watch how to do it here.

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