How was your weekend running?

Um, so, you know how I definitely wasn’t doing London?

I did London.

It was absolutely brilliant and I loved every minute of it.

Of course, when offering out my advice on how to run a good marathon, I wouldn’t necessarily recommend deciding to do it 36 hours beforehand, having a one day taper and wear brand new shoes to do it in, but it turns out that’s the way to have an absolute blast. Myself and the fabulous Shaun formed a pacing team (available for hire, will run for cake) for our friend Sophie, and helped her run a brilliant 9 minute PB, in 3 hr 35min. Along the way I took in every moment of this wonderful race, in a way that’s just not possible when you are focussed on your own goal and your own race. Parts of it sent goosebumps down my arms, parts moved me almost to tears.

I don’t know what it is about London – we spend most of the year resolutely avoiding eye contact, passively-aggressively shuffling around each other on the tube – but give us a major sporting event and the cynicism just vanishes. Total strangers hugging runners in need, cheering their lungs out for people they’ve never met before and never will see again. It’s bloody wonderful.

I could ramble for hours (may still be on slight runner’s high) about the highs and the even highers but I’ll spare you. So just, instead, a massive shout out to all the marathoners yesterday, and of course all the other racers around the world. With apologies for the London bias, though, a huge well done on brilliant PBs – particularly to BTL regular David on a stunning 2h 47min, to my clubmates Julia (3 hr 3min) and Meriel (3 hr 2min) and Gordon (2 hr 53min, a near 7 minute PB which given the age of his son, and the resulting sleep deprivation, probably ought to have another 5 minutes knocked off). Guys, you all rock. Right, now where’s my cake?

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