Share your tips for getting fit – and sticking with it

Getting fit and staying fit are two different things, as anyone who has ever made a resolution after Christmas or been roped into a physical challenge for charity might attest.

We want to hear from readers who have had long term success with turning health and fitness regimes into a healthy lifestyle – at whatever level and indeed whatever your age. You don’t need to have run an ultra marathon to qualify: maybe you just started walking more, or took up a new active hobby that worked to change your health or lifestyle for the better. The main thing we’re looking for you to share is how you’ve found longevity and enjoyment in a way that might benefit others.

Share your fitness and longevity tips

Add your tips for keeping fit and maintaining the regime in the form below. Tell us a little about how your system worked for you, what the results were, how you managed it, and how you think fellow readers might benefit. We’ll feature some of the best tips as part of an upcoming article.

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