Get the Pill at your pharmacy under new NHS plans

Get the Pill at your pharmacy! New NHS plans to free up millions of GP appointments

  • The service aims to help free up millions of GP appointments by next winter
  • Under wider plans pharmacists will also offer more blood pressure checks
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Millions of women will be able to get free contraceptive pills on the high street without having to see a GP under new NHS plans.

Starting next month, women in England can obtain a first prescription of the pill by visiting their local pharmacy.

The move will give women greater choice over where to get the pill and forms a package of measures aimed at freeing up 10million GP appointments by next winter.

If women opt for the combined oestrogen and progestogen pill, they will have a check-up with a pharmacist to record their blood pressure and weight.

No checks are needed for the progestogen-only ‘mini-pill’, which is also the case in other settings, NHS England said.

Starting next month, women in England can obtain a first prescription of the pill by visiting their local pharmacy. The move will give women greater choice over where to get the pill and forms a package of measures aimed at freeing up 10million GP appointments by next winter. If women opt for the combined oestrogen and progestogen pill, they will have a check-up with a pharmacist to record their blood pressure and weight 

Pharmacies need to sign up for the new service, meaning it will not be available immediately everywhere in England.

As more pharmacies join the scheme, the NHS website will be updated so women can check which locations offer the service.

Women who are too overweight or whose blood pressure is high – putting them at higher risk of blood clots on the combined pill – may be referred to their GP for further checks.

Funding has also been put in place so more pharmacies can offer repeat prescriptions of all types of pill.

The ongoing checks on blood pressure and weight that women need when they are on the pill will also be available in pharmacies.

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NHS England said it expects almost half a million women to be able to access the pill next year without needing to contact their GP first, with the figure rising after that.

Prescription figures for 2022/23 suggest there were almost 3million prescriptions for the combined pill and more than 4million for the mini pill.

About one in four women aged 15 to 49 are on either the combined or progesterone only pill.

Amanda Pritchard, chief executive of NHS England, said: ‘This is really good news for women.

‘We all lead increasingly busy lives, and thanks to this action, rather than making a GP appointment, they can simply pop into their local pharmacy when they need or want to access contraception.

‘We will also be expanding services so that more health checks are available for patients on the high street, which is not only better and easier for patients but also frees up NHS time for more GP appointments for those who need them most.’

Under wider plans, pharmacists will be offering more blood pressure checks to at-risk patients, with a commitment to deliver 2.5million a year by spring 2025.

NHS England estimates this could prevent more than 1,350 heart attacks and strokes in the first year.

And beginning from early next year, patients will also be able to get treatment for seven common conditions directly from a pharmacy, without the need for a GP appointment or prescription.

The new service will cover sinusitis, sore throat, earache, infected insect bite, impetigo, shingles, and uncomplicated urinary tract infections in women.

New health secretary Victoria Atkins said: ‘It is a pleasure to start my time as Secretary of State with such a positive example of the Government, NHS and pharmacy sector working together to reach an agreement to improve services and save lives.

‘For the public, these changes will mean more options for women when making a choice about their preferred contraception, reduce the risks of people suffering heart attacks and strokes and make it easier to access medicines for common conditions.

‘And for healthcare professionals, this will free up GP appointments and make better use of the skills and expertise within community pharmacies.’

Under the measures unveiled in May, the Government revealed a pharmacy common ailments scheme in England would be launched before the end of 2023. Under the service, patients will be able to get a prescription from their pharmacist for seven minor illnesses including earache and urinary tract infections without having to see their GP first. The plans also included expanding the contraception and blood pressure checking services, both of which have been announced today

Janet Morrison, chief executive at Community Pharmacy England, said: ‘It makes perfect sense to use community pharmacies as a first port of call for healthcare advice, access to contraception and health checks such as blood pressure tests.

‘Local pharmacies are staffed by highly qualified healthcare professionals and empowering them to do more is a logical next step for primary care.

‘These new services will help patients and the public, as well as reducing pressure on GPs and the wider NHS.’

William Pett, head of policy, public affairs and research at Healthwatch England, said: ‘Women across England will welcome the convenience of getting the contraceptive pill at a local pharmacy.

‘Being able to see your GP in a timely manner remains the public’s top concern.

‘If this initiative is effectively communicated and delivered, it will make a real difference to patients and relieve the pressure on hard-pressed services.

‘There could be potential problems, such as pharmacists not being able to see enough of people’s GP records or the ability of different communities and areas to access the new service.

‘However, if evaluated well, the NHS will be able to ensure that this promising new service really works for patients.’

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