Is Squirting Just Peeing? & Other Pelvic Floor Facts You Should Probably Know

Raise your hand if the main aspect of pelvic floor health you’re familiar with is the Kegel exercise. You many not spend much that time thinking about our pelvic health and the pelvic floor, but you really should, since it’s a key aspect of recovery from pregnancy, birth, or menopause. You probably have questions you didn’t even realize you had, or were afraid to ask your. How common is pelvic pain? Is it normal to have pain during or after sex? What’s the difference between “squirting” and just peeing a little? What can be done to rehab your pelvic floor after giving birth?

That’s why we sat down with Dr. Susie Gronski, physical therapist and certified pelvic rehabilitation practitioner, to answer all your burning pelvic health questions (no but please, go talk to your doctor if you’re actually feeling any burning sensations down there!).

Gronski isn’t an M.D. or gynecologist — but helps people recover from either trauma to the pelvic region other health conditions like vaginismus, and common milestones you might reach in your reproductive health, including pregnancy and menopause. She trains both women and men on how to be their own expert in treating whatever’s going on “down there.”

Keep on scrolling to read our chat with Gronski to understand more about your pelvic floor health. 

SheKnows: So what don’t you do?

Susie Gronski: Well, I cover pelvic health. If you’ve got something more than muscle-based pain like smelly ejaculate, blood in your urine, weird lumps and bumps that just popped outta nowhere, fever or chills, go see an M.D. They’re the guys who do all the blood tests and scans to make sure nothing more serious is going on.

SK: What can you tell us about “squirting”?

SG: First, the name is misleading — it isn’t [an] über amount, so it isn’t super-wet like we see in porn. Authentic female ejaculate is a mixture of diluted urine and prostate-like fluid. It is created by a tiny little gland next to your urethra… when fluid comes out of the vagina during intercourse.

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