A scarf or mask?: Mask duty: 5 tips around the Corona-protection in the face

Mask on while shopping or in Bus and train: From next Monday, the 27. April, after pulling out all the provinces and make the Wearing of a mouth-nose protection to certain public places, mandatory to the spread of the Coronavirus curb.

Are meant to be everyday masks that are made of fabric. We have five tips to get around this protection.

1. No one hundred percent security

The concept of the everyday mask does not come about by chance. These masks are a remedy and are not sufficient, as a rule, the standards and requirements, for example, to be provided to a medical mouth-nose protection.

Even with masks, you must comply with the distance rules, and properly cough and sneeze. So, the other turned away and into the crook of one arm into it.

However, the mask also helps: it is a visible Signal to others that one is in view of the Coronavirus mindful. In addition, you should protect the droplets intercept the launching when Speaking or Laugh – and to a certain extent from infection, if you wear a Sars-CoV-2 in.

Also as a carrier to protect a piece of far: for example, the mask can prevent, for example, that you touch with contaminated hands to the nose or mouth – opder even picks his – and possibly a pathogen in the body.

2. A question of the substance

Tightly woven fabrics are, for the purposes of better-suited as a lightweight woven, so dasBundesinstitut for drugs and medical devices (BfArM). This means that The mesh should be pulled snugly, but not so tight that it is Breathing hard.

Ideally, the material the mask is made of 100 percent cotton, recommends the Bavarian Ministry of health in a FAQ.

3. Hot wash, if necessary with a stick

After Wearing to wash the everyday mask immediately at the best with a minimum of 60 degrees with detergent. Who doesn’t want to fire up the washing machine, to hot water with a little detergent in the sink.

To not scald to the hand wash the Finger, helps it first with a stick, and apply the mask in the water and forth. It has cooled down sufficiently, by wrestling them again properly by Hand.

Speaking of hands: Before Putting on washing them thoroughly so that the mask remains clean. After Weaning, also, because on the outside of the Face shield could be swimming in pathogens.

4. Be careful with the microwave

If the fabric can withstand this, it can be the mask, by hot iron or a swim in the warm oven clean again.

Caution when cleaning the microwave: masks with wire hangers belong there at all – here is a danger of fire.

5. Buy, sew or scarf in front of the mouth

Textile manufacturers now produce part masks. Also, many fabric stores, tailors or designers they sell. In the network to be private, your masks, such as on the platform Etsy. Who can handle a needle and thread, sews up easily even online there are templates for cutting the pattern.

There is a lack of these skills or the necessary materials such as elastic, and you get to buy the mask?

Then it may be sufficient to cover the mouth, nose and cheeks with a scarf or cloth. Some provinces do not mention it explicitly as an Alternative to go on it, because it doesn’t provide as good protection as special breathing masks.

As in the case of masks of the fabric should be as close as possible and made of cotton, explained the Bavarian health fake. And according to the Wear of the Council apply also: at least 60 degree wash.

Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa)

*The post “scarf or mask?: Mask duty: 5 tips around the Corona-protection in the face” is published by FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.