Harmful or healthy?: What doctors and psychologists say to pick your nose

Anyone who is discovered to be in ashamed. The urge of the most private process in the Popelns you should be this year, even stronger resistance.

Because of the corona virus, doctors warned to be frequently in the face, and to spread the virus.

To pause for a General practitioner Sabine Gehrke-Beck of the Berlin Charité “, a basic, with the Nose”.

Who picks his where, and why?

Loved the people in the nose when you think no one’s watching – about home alone. A special position takes the car.

The classic: pick your nose while Waiting at the red light. It moves on the road in the public space.

In the car we felt protected in the us, however, “just as in our own four walls, and mistakenly believed, that we be not seen,” explains Sören Al-Roubaie from the professional Association of German psychologists.

By the way: More men than women picking in the nose. This was the result of the author Christoph Drösser, for his book “How Germans tick” various surveys have evaluated at least.

Accordingly, 62 percent of men and 51 percent of women drilling in this country, secretly, in the nose, when they feel unobserved.

Drilling is in the nose harmful?

As a “No-Go” referred to Michael Deeg of the German professional Association of ear, nose and throat doctors in this practice. Who pierced too often and for too long, causing the skins of injury to the mucosa.

These open wounds close, and crusts develop. Dermatologist Utta Petzold speaks of a cycle in the Affected are.

Sometimes the Desire is strong to go with the Finger in the nose, and “to remove the newly formed scabs again”.

Who is pierced, you can bleed from the nose. Because the vessels in the body are very close to the surface. In addition, the nose is a partition-sensitive. In your can be caused by extensive Drilling a hole.

In addition to the mechanical damage, dirty fingers can not move the skin – only in times of Coronavirus – germs or bacteria in the ailing mucus. The nose becomes inflamed.

And if children are booger eating?

In the case of children, to discover themselves, it is quite normal. You will then be reminded often of their parents. In this case, the eating of one’s own boogers is not per se unhealthy.

Basically, the man will take the whole day to be a secretion from the nose because the nose and mouth are connected to each other, says Sabine Gehrke-Beck of the Berlin Charité.

Some researchers have even found out that booger can eat to strengthen the immune system. The nasal secretions contain bacteria which are designed to protect against harmful dental diseases such as caries and a positive effect on the gastro – intestinal tract have an impact.

The results of the researchers of Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the journal ‘Applied and Environmental Microbiology published’.


  • Frenckel, E. & Ribbeck, S. (2014): For use salivary mucins protect surfaces from colonization by cariogenic bacteria., archived from the original on 23.04.2020 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25344244

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*The contribution of “Harmful or healthy?: What is to say, doctors and psychologists for the Picking” published by FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.