In this heat drink is much a Must. But what? More and more people prefer to of non-carbonated mineral water. As the Stiftung Warentest has determined, grew up to 2018, the demand for non-carbonated mineral water, much stronger than varieties with carbonic acid. It is considered to be a healthy, calorie-free thirst quencher that also helps to replace the sweat lost minerals. It was a good occasion to check the quality of the drinks. The result of the Stiftung Warentest is sobering. Not even half of the 32 still mineral waters cut well. (Also read: What is a Detox diet really?)
Test: bacteria in still mineral water
In each of the second water unwanted germs as well as other critical substances or impurities were found, such as the testers of the Stiftung Warentest found. "Some of the waters were contaminated with types of bacteria, which pose especially for Immune compromised is a risk." Still mineral water section in the Test worse than sparkling water. This is because carbon dioxide inhibits the growth of germs.
The Tester criticized also: "A brand of water from France contained a surprising amount of Vanadium that can be transferred from the volcanic soils in mineral water, and as possibly carcinogenic to apply." When the water is Volvic Natural organic. The Stiftung Warentest has warned: "Because of the content of Vanadium, we see the competition as a water for baby food critical." (Also interesting: Why Fast Food may have serious consequences to the brain can have)
In five Water experts have found contamination from agriculture and industry. The health were harmless. But the manufacturer of "natural Mineralwasser" would just advertise the original purity of their water. Finally, the provider can your product be expensive to pay for. The cheapest drinks in the Test cost 13 cents per litre. "Tap water is 34 times günstiger", the Tester stated. They noted, moreover, that not a few of the mineral waters had a lower mineral content than tap water.
Cheap mineral water is best
The Test showed that the price plays in the quality of still mineral water quite a role. However, the cheapest water, the most positive sections were it just. The four products with the best notes cost all around 13 cents per litre. There were: Edeka Well & Cheap Still: based "Good (1,8)", Aldi Nord source Brunn disposition: "Good (1.9)", Rewe Yes still: "Good (1.9)" and Kaufland K-Classic still: "Good (2.0)".
The last three places were calculated in Bio-water. Founders said the Naturelle Bio received only a "Sufficient (4.0)". BioKristall Still and rheinberger source Prussia Still organic fell with "Inadequate (5.0)" by. BioKristall Still by far the most expensive water was around 1.41 euros per Liter in the Test.
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*The contribution of “non-Carbonated mineral water in the Test: These varieties you should not drink” comes from GQ. There is no editorial review by FOCUS Online. Contact with the executives here.