Does Alcohol Have An Impact On Your Fitness?

Summer is just around the corner, we’re socialising more and it’s only natural to want a glass of wine, a champagne or even a cheeky cocktail. But, ladies, I’m sorry to break it to you but too much of a good thing will impact your fitness, weight loss goals and energy levels.

Ocsober has kicked off this month and it’s the perfect time to lose the booze to help achieve your health and fitness goals whilst at the same time supporting Aussie kids. So does drinking impact your fitness? Unfortunately it does. Here are some ways it can influence your training and fitness goals.

Quality of sleep

For those who like to enjoy a glass (or 2) of vino to wind down in the evenings (trust me, I’ve been there!), it’s likely you will be experiencing a poorer quality of sleep. Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, a.k.a the dream state of sleep is where all the good stuff happens… our muscles recover and our immune system gets rejuvenated. If we don’t get enough REM sleep, it’s going to directly impact how our bodies function the next day. Not only will you be exhausted but the chances of kicking any major fitness goals is going to be a struggle. Also, lack of sleep has been directly linked to weight gain around the mid-section due to rise in cortisol levels – another good reason to ditch the drinks. Having a good quality nights’ sleep will allow you to wake up feeling rested, motivated and ready to kick your fitness goals the next day.


Alcohol acts as a diuretic (so essentially you pee more) and as a result it can lead to your body becoming dehydrated. With around 60% of our bodies being made up of water it’s safe to say we need to stay hydrated to feed our cells and let them function properly. There’s no chance of performing at our optimal peak when we’re depriving our body of what it needs to thrive. So take a break from alcohol and drink plenty of water for ultimate hydration to allow your body to feel better when working out.

3. Energy levels 

I don’t know many people that can wake up after a night boozing (even after a few) and feel motivated to train hard and eat healthy – do you? When we drink alcohol, our liver can’t produce the amount of glucose that is normally needed for healthy body to function. Not enough glucose leads to lower blood sugar levels, which will reduce our energy levels and make us feel lethargic. There’s nothing worse than trying to work out when all you feel like is lying on the couch. By eliminating alcohol from your diet your energy levels will sky rocket, allowing you to train harder and feel better.

So, if you want to feel more energised, motivated, drop some kgs and increase your fitness for summer, it might be time to ditch those evening vinos and give your body a break. It’s time to feel fit and fabulous before the silly season begins!

Celebrating it’s 10th year, Life Education’s annual fundraising initiative, Ocsober, kicked off on October 1st to encourage adults to ‘lose the booze’ in the month of October to help Australian Children. This year Ocsober Ambassadors and spokespersons, including, Cassey Maynard, Tegan Martin, Zoe Bingley-Pullin, Luke Hines, Khanh Ong and Casey Burgess, will join forces to raise money to fund Life Education’s programs, empowering kids to around the nation to make safe and healthy life choices.

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