How long you should take antibiotics?

So far, antibiotics should be packs always exhausted. However, a long intake can resistance föpromote. As the antibiotic therapy in the individual case looks like

Resistance test: Where in the bacteria is a courtyard lawn to the Antibiotikapläleaves makes, the antibiotic. Against the bacteria in the right-hand tray, it hardly helps

In the treatment of bacterial infections for a long time was an iron rule: The therapy must be continued even when the patient is already well – until the pack is exhausted. Ädoctors stressed that the pharmacies Umschau wrote it, and even the world health organization existed until a few years ago.

The recommendation is in some Fäcases, even today, – but längst not more generally. Because it is based on a false idea. This is the answer: If an antibiotic ­Gift will not be eradicated all bacteria, because they früh is finished, develop the übrig remaining germs resistant to the agent. 

Resistance form w&auml especially;while taking

Today, experts refer to this idea as üobsolete. Resistance, they have been recognized to form in front of ­all so­long patients Anti­biotikum. Or you are already. Because that is the only wäduring a treatment the bacteria from your Widerstandsfäability to – you köcan the antibiotic "entwischen".

Added to this is a further advantage für-resistant bacteria: The more the non-widerstandsfämetals, bacteria a drug abtötet, the more space and Nänutrients are Verfü. Under selection pressure ent­more resistance, wrap it formulate lied to Infections.

Plöin addition gefäyear: "gute" Bacteria acquire resistance

Only those bacteria acquire in no way a defense, against which the treatment is intended. It &ndash can; unintentionally – even the most peaceful roommate meet up, the skin and Schleimhäute be­settle. Löyou have sen at some point, even ­infection, köcan be resistant to many antibiotics. This is especially true für intestinal bacteria. 

Just the most gefürchteten pathogens benefit from these bei­läfrequently acquired resistance. And they communicate to each other. "This is probably the crucial Gefahr", &shy says;Professor Mathias Pletz, Director of the Institute für infection medicine and hospital Hygiene at the Universitäts­clinic of Jena.

Added to this are the side effects of the antibiotics. They tend to be mild, at the hämost common are gastro-intestinal ­­­Complaints or Ünausea. But the läViking, the funds are taken, the easier the germ Clostridium difficile in the intestine to spread. It causes diarrhea and other complications, especially in the case of äolder people sometimes lebensgefädangerous.

Lung and Blasenentzü- making: No long taking nötig

A long treatment is often not even nötig, to cure an infection. Several studies in the past few years could attest to that fact. "Frühere we have a Lungenentzümaking two to three weeks given antibiotics, today there are only fünf to seven Tage", Dr. B&eacute reported;atrice Grabein, Director of the Clinical Microbiology of Universitäclinic MüMunich.

In the case of Blasenentzündungen genügt in the case of a particular agent in a single dose. "The antibiotic reduces the number of bacteria strong, and with the remaining Rest of the k&ouml is;the body’s own immune system to self-fertig", erklärt expert Grabein. However, there are infections for which a short treatment gefäa year wäre. A Entzü- making of the heart interior skin and heavy bone and Gelenk­entzündungen gehören. 

Long taking, in the blood, infections and tuberculosis

Blood stream infections with germs called Staphylococcus aureus are, in this respect, tückisch. Often the patients are already better after two days, after a week the fever is gone. The doctor then sets the antibiotic already, threaten to serious infections. "Here is a a minimum of zweiw&ouml is;- language Infu­sion with high-dose antibiotics nötig. But that is häoften miss­achtet", warns Professor Gerd Fätkenheuer, Chairman of the German society für infectious diseases.

Another example is Mathias Pletz is called. Tuberculosis requires a long treatment. This is because the bacteria divide very slowly, and multiply. As long as you are not active, vermögen Antibio­tika you nothing else on. Würde you settle the funds in advance, köthe straight &quot could be;schlafenden" Pathogen re-spread.

The correct use of antibiotics is important

A long treatment carries the risk of resistance development, a short can Pa&shy the;tien­ten also gefämay be infected. Both against each other abzuwägene is often not easy. "You have to each Time a single decision treffen", ­F&auml stresses;tkenheuer. The Bakterientyp, of course, the immune system of the Diseased and much, much more ­a role.

Therefore, patients should discontinue treatment never on your own, if you better fümiss. "Everyone should discuss with the doctor, everything else wäre fahrlässig", F&auml stresses;tkenheuer. This is especially true für people, the antibiotics anyway critical &ndash see; the ­Effect unterschäsupport. "Antibiotics are extremely beneficial Medikamente", expert B&eacute says;atrice Grabein. "For you to stay, you have but to vernüfuture way."

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