COVID-19: pre-existing conditions through the prevention of avoid – Naturopathy naturopathy specialist portal

COVID-19: Lack of prevention of Corona-relevant pre-existing conditions

It is known that COVID-19-diseases especially in the elderly and in patients with certain pre-existing conditions can run. According to the experts, many of the Corona could have been prevented-relevant pre-existing conditions through effective prevention.

Considering the number of people with an increased risk for a serious COVID-19-history in Germany, the science Alliance, the German Alliance of non-communicable diseases (THANKS) criticised in a recent communication, the lack of prevention of these risk factors in this country.

Certain pre-existing medical conditions increase the risk for severe COVID-19-history

Recently, it was reported from Hamburg that there at all obduzierten Corona-dead pre-existing conditions have been identified.

Diseases that increase the risk for a severe course of the by the novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2-induced disease COVID-19, are, according to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), for example, cardiovascular diseases, Diabetes, diseases of the respiratory system, the liver, the kidney, cancer diseases or factors such as obesity and Smoking.

Many of these Corona-relevant pre-existing conditions could have been prevented through effective prevention.

Opportunities many of those Affected would be significantly improved

“Diabetes, heart disease, and tobacco addiction are all pre-existing conditions, the policy measures to reduce,” said Professor Dr. med. Monika Kellerer, President of the German Diabetes society (DDG).

“But the Federal government has ignored for years, the recommendations of the WHO. This is also why more and more people in Germany are now at risk of developing a disease, difficult to Covid-19, and to die.“

The science Alliance THANKS to recognize the great efforts of the policy to bring the pandemic under control now.

“But earlier, more effective measures, for example, a healthy diet and reducing obesity and Smoking, would have improved the chances of many Affected significantly,” explains Professor Dr. med. Martina de Zwaan, member of the Board of the German obesity society (DAG).

The recommendation of the WHO, implemented in this country is inadequate

As the professionals pre-existing conditions are to be explained in addition to the age is the main risk factor, to COVID-19 to die. The study location is called here, in particular, obesity, heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and Diabetes, respectively, the resulting secondary diseases.

In addition, the evidence that smokers are more at risk are increasing.

The world health organization (WHO) had given its member countries specific recommendations on how these risk factors through policy measures to reduce. So 60 to 80 percent of cases of Diabetes would be preventable.

But Germany has refused, according to the so many such the ratio of preventive measures such as a tax on sugared products, or advertising regulations for Fattening.

Germany is lagging behind

“Germany lags behind in many areas of prevention afterwards,” said Kellerer. “We are paying the price now. We therefore urgently need a discussion about how we can the risks for these conditions can permanently lower.“

Because these diseases also without the Virus-pandemic a greatly increased risk of premature death. Every fifth case of death in Germany is associated, therefore, with a Diabetes. And obesity (obesity) is shortened depending on the severity of the life by up to ten years.

In a result of Smoking, approximately 121,000 people die each year. “Many of these premature deaths were due to effective tobacco control measures to prevent as the long-overdue ban on tobacco outdoor advertising or repeated, significant tobacco tax increases,” explains Dr. Ute Mons, head of the unit cancer prevention in the German cancer research center (DKFZ).

Other serious diseases not forget

Against this Background, THANKS to concern for the possible negative consequences of the Corona-restrictions on health.

“Unemployment and poverty are strong risk factors for many diseases and for premature death,” explains de Zwaan “We also need to consider these long-term consequences for health.”

The fight against COVID-19 is important, but other serious and widespread diseases must not be forgotten.

“Measures to curb Obesity, Diabetes, lack of exercise and Smoking save many lives,” said Kellerer, “and you are far less invasive.” (ad)