Charley Webb health: Star uses cannabis oil to treat condition – symptoms

Charley Webb reveals young son Ace has been feeling unwell

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Although she has never been diagnosed with the condition, Charley Webb, 34, thinks she has health anxiety – a debilitating mental health condition caused by incessant worrying about your own health.

She said: “I’ve never been diagnosed but what I think I have is health anxiety.

“I just have to focus on getting myself out of that zone when I’m in it.”

In February last year, the star, who is married to her old co-star Matthew Wolfenden revealed via social media that she had been putting off going to the hospital because of her breast pain – which can be a symptom of breast cancer.

She said: “I was referred to the hospital to go and get a scan…

“I kept putting it off because I was worried about going to the [doctors] for anything at the moment, with everything that is going on.”

Health anxiety, also known as hypochondriasis, like generalised anxiety disorder can result in difficulties with daily activity.

And like generalised anxiety, the high stress level that comes with the condition can lead to higher levels of inflammation which reduces the body’s immune response, according to Cleveland Clinic.

This can make the condition almost self-fulfilling, leading to actual illness.

Webb has taken to CBD oil because of her health fears.

“I also take CBD oil, which is really natural. I’m not on medication and I wouldn’t say my anxiety is bad enough to ever get to that point,” she said.

There are studies showing that CBD has stress-reducing properties, although it is yet to be prescribed widely to treat anxiety.

Dr. Brent Bauer from Mayo Clinic stated: “Although some research appears to indicate that CBD might hold benefit for treating anxiety-related disorders, more study is needed.

“Cannabidiol may interfere with other prescriptions, and it can have side effects, so talk with your health care provider before you take any form of CBD.”

The symptoms of illness anxiety may include becoming excessively preoccupied with having or getting diseases.

Someone with health anxiety may also feel little reassurance in positive or negative health tests.

Other symptoms include:

  • Constantly talking about your health and possible illnesses
  • Frequently searching the internet for causes of symptoms or possible illnesses
  • Avoiding people, places or activities for fear of health risks.

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