Study shows that This is the healthiest sleep duration to live longer

In the case of sleep, the following applies: More is not always more. This is the result of a global, long-term sleep study.

The sleep of 117.000 subjects from 21 countries were examined.

The aim of the researchers, Dr. Chuangshi Wang of McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada, was to identify a relationship between duration of sleep and certain health problems and premature deaths. The results were published in the ‘European Heart Journal’.

What is the optimal duration of sleep is?

The scientists agree: Who gets at night between six and eight hours of sleep, as a rule, belongs to the people with the healthiest lifestyles and the fewest health problems.

Variations above or below indicate, however, often serious diseases.

Almost eight years, the volunteers around the globe were asked about their duration of sleep, your lifestyle and your health condition. At the beginning of the participants, on average, 50 years old. Here is a picture that shows the same trends resulted.

Long sleepers vs. short sleepers

Who slept longer than the recommended eight hours, was generally older, depressed, physically less active and tended increasingly to alcohol or nicotine consumption. In addition, these subjects suffered more from hypertension, and the lung disease COPD.

In the case of short sleepers, however, Diabetes and Obesity were strengthened. Interesting: Among those who slept less than six hours, there were a remarkable number of urban residents.

Photo gallery: 11 tips for better sleep

Deaths, Heart Attacks, Accidents

At the end of the study duration of 4,400 participants had died, a similar number had suffered either a stroke or a heart attack. Particularly, the long sleepers were a big part of the deaths and cardiovascular events, they were at the front.

In the case of the short sleepers, however, accidents occurred more frequently — a sure sign that these participants really need more sleep, but not always received.

The researchers acknowledge, however, that there are certainly people who get by with little sleep, and thus is completely healthy: your natural needs are easily covered with less.

In summary: lack of sleep is unhealthy, while people with increased need for sleep are often unhealthy. In the case of significant deviations from the six-to eight-hour Norm over a long period of time, it may be helpful to consult a physician, if only to previously undetected health problems.


  • Wang, C. (2018): Association of estimated sleep duration and naps with mortality and cardiovascular events: a study of 116 632 people from 21 countries , retrieved on 18. December 2019

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