Mindful Running: Can mindfulness by running training schools?

On the App of ‘Nike’ can be recreational athletes recently walking meditations download, the sporting goods manufacturer has developed together with the Meditationsapp ‘Headspace’.

And also other sports brands such as ‘Lululemon’ with the campaign #letyourmindrunfree and ‘Saucony’ are seeming collection of “White Noise” with the meditative on the bandwagon, the more mindfulness in the sport of running to the goal.

What is behind the idea to link Running with Meditation that enthusiasts is actually a scientifically explainable value to run?

The idea behind “Mindful Running”

Mindful Running is a vague term, many people understand different things, but mainly, it was to be present, a Chevy Rough, mindfulness and performance coach in the ASICS Sound Mind Sound Body Team, from London, in an Interview with ‘Runner’s World’in the subject.

His colleague, Charles Oxley, adds why this is to be aware of for the present is so important.

“Ninety percent of the people lead a very busy life with lots of Stress and lots of pressure. While you are race from the office to the gym, think about dates, appointments, and their families. You are already in a stressed condition in the fitness Studio, where you can reinforce this by the challenges of the Training even further.”

It is exactly this problem Mindful to start Running.

Gallery: The 11 best tips to reduce Stress

It is important to distinguish between Mindfulness and Meditation, explained Headspace co-founder Andy Puddicombe.

“When we meditate, we learn, in a quiet environment, turn off and leave us mentally neither of everyday life activities distract you,“ he says.

“If we go out and run, we apply what we have learned in the Meditation.”

However, the silence of the room is missing to pull it out.

Instead, the most important thing to keep in spite of all sorts of external distractions, such as road traffic and other people focus on yourself.

What the breath reveals about the state of your own body? You feel good, already overloaded, or you can challenge yourself even more?

“The more you’re in this state, the more Details you notice in yourself,” adds Puddicombe.

“Not only in terms of their own attitude; it is a also more own technique; to learn more and more about his own body.”

The benefits of meditative Running

Not only in terms of their own understanding of the Body, you can benefit from the Mindful Training.

A in the journal ‘Translational Psychiatry published the study to the year 2016, for example, shows that the combination of directed Meditation with Running or walking could reduce the symptoms of Depression in depressed participants by 40 percent.

Also, your physical performance in Training in the long term to significantly improve both the Team of ASICS Sound Mind Sound Bodyvom as well as the founder of the ‘Headspace’ for sure.

“It is virtually the last frontier in the physical Training,” notes the co-founder of the Meditationsapp.

“I think one must always come to the realization that there is a huge field that has not yet been explored enough: the spirit. But who speaks with a top athlete, you will get to hear that 90 percent of its performance exactly due to the fact.“


  • Alderman, B. et al. (2016): MAP training: combining meditation and aerobic exercise reduces depression and rumination, while enhancing the synchronized brain activity, retrieved on 30.01.2020: https://www.nature.com/articles/tp2015225

Larissa Bright Mouth

*The post “Mindful Running: Can published mindfulness is by running training schools?” by FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.