Healthy and cheap: how to plant ginger self

With its approximately 500 content ginger of materials and is almost a small pharmacy for.

No wonder, therefore, if you want to know the small wonder of the tuber prefers to be permanently in his House.

To learn, to grow ginger yourself, bring one in closer to this goal.

Difficult this is not. All you need is a ginger tuber in organic, nutrient-Plants-rich soil, about 30 cm high vascular Plants, and a sharp knife.

Instructions to draw it Yourself

1. Tuber cutting

With a sharp knife, the ginger tuber cutting into approximately 5 cm pieces. It is important to be guided by the “eyes”, so the projections of the ginger. Only from which can arise new plants. On each prepared piece should be a minimum of a sprouting Bud.

2. Ginger soak

The ginger pieces over night in a vessel with water.

3. Expose

For the Flock of a vascular Plants with drip option should be chosen, in the the earth first, and then on top of the ginger is released. The sprouting buds must point upwards towards the sky.

4. Pour and Wait

The earth should now be moist constantly, but keinswegs wet to be held.

  • After a few weeks the ginger starts to Bud.
  • Up to three months, it may take until the first leaves show.
  • After eight to nine months the shoots are grown up to a Meter high.
  • Then, the Green will gradually turn yellow and wilted.

5. Harvest

If the shoots to discolor, can be the ginger tuber harvested. This is now properly grown up with both thick as well as fine roots. These can be easily separated, the ginger is cleaned and be reused.

So you stored ginger

Where now with all of the harvested ginger?

To have for as long as possible from the ginger, you should be covered it is best and store in a cool place.

The best storage is in the freezer.

This carries the additional advantage that defrosted ginger is also easier to prepare than raw, to cut because the consistency is easier to RUB is.

What was not used, can then be simply placed back in the freezer and there feels like forever.


  • NDR: “ginger self to draw – how to”, retrieved on 23.04.2020

Larissa Bright Mouth

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